Monday, November 7, 2011

Shoe-minations: Free 3.0, Kinvara 2, Pure Connect & Flow

On Saturday I finally allowed myself, after more than two months, to try on some new running shoes. As you may know, I retired my dear Saucony Kinvaras a few weeks ago. Since then I have been biding my time, waiting to allow myself a juicy new running buddy.

Up first: Nike Free 3.0 v3

HT: 4 mm?, Source
I really wanted to like this shoe. I've been wanting to try it out for awhile because I really like the look. Unfortunately I took it off almost immediately. I was expecting the bottoms to feel light and springy, but instead they felt really hard, like concrete without actually being on concrete. On top of that, I found it kind of difficult to get my foot into the shoe as the tongue didn't really open up enough. Nix the Nikes!

Next: Kinvara 2

HT: 4 mm, Source
The Kinvara 2 felt even better than its predecessor. I definitely would have jumped on it had I not fallen in love with the Pure Flow. At least now I know my size so I can order any delicious color online whenever I have some extra moolah laying around!

Next: Brooks Pure Connect

HT: 4mm, Source
 When I first heard about Brooks new Pure Project line coming out this fall, THIS was the shoe I was looking forward to. Though all four models have the 4mm drop, the Connect is by far the lightest and most minimalist of the bunch in all of it's aspects. Unfortunately, not long after it premiered I starting hearing some not so good things about it. Mainly that it had an extremely narrow toe box. Narrow enough that even Runblogger returned them right away without being able to offer more of a review. They were just that uncomfortable.

All of that in my head, I decided to give them a try anyway, even though I was already leaning towards something with more cushioning like the Pure Flow. Two seconds on my feet and wouldn't you know it: narrow toe box! Like Runblogger, I can't even say anything about the other qualities of the shoe because they were so uncomfortable I had to remove them right away. All the best to those of you who can fit into them comfortably!

Lastly: Brooks Pure Flow

HT: 4 mm, Source
If you looked at yesterday's post you know that these are the shoes I walked out of the store with. They had a good amount of cushioning, but still maintained a minimalist profile, which I prefer. Ever since my shin splints I've been leaning more towards cushioned shoes. My legs just feel better in them. Of course, the high comfort level of these shoes leads me to ask why Brooks decided to make a wide toe box with these and an extremely narrow one with the Connects. It doesn't make sense!

As for a post-run review, the Flows were not difficult to break in at all. After 20 miles I was left with no more blisters than I would usually incure doing that distance. I guess only time will really tell if the cushioning holds up or falls flat, but I have a good feeling about them!

Welcome to your new home Flows!


  1. Hey any update on the PureFlow vs the Kinvara. I'm currently a Kinvara owner, I do love them, but have only used Saucony for many many years and I'm just interested in trying a different provider. I was leaning to the Nike 3.0's but after reading your concrete comment they're out. The PureFlows were the 2nd choice but I can't find much in terms of comparisons such as yours. If you have a chance eager ears (or eyes in this case) are awaiting an update.

    1. Hi there! The Flow and Kinvara are my two favorite shoes hands down. I had to retire the Flows a few months ago since I ran out of mileage on them. The one downside with them that I have not found with the Kinvara is that the Flows expire around 250 miles (my last Kinvaras I got close to 400) and I could definitely tell that the cushioning on the bottom was losing it's "fluffiness."

      That said, I definitely plan on getting another pair at some point. I never had any fit problems, blisters, or tired soles wearing the Flows. For the meantime I have replaced them with the Kinvara 2 since they were on sale.

      I'd say the biggest difference between the two shoes is that you can feel the cushioning more on the Flows. They also have a slightly wider toe box (in my opinion) than the Kinvaras, which is good for my feet when they swell. I've found that I can't wear thicker socks with the Kinvaras because my toes run out of room.

      If you are looking to try a different brand from Saucony, you really can't go wrong with Brooks. In my opinion, if you are someone who rotates shoes like myself, having a pair of the Flows and Kinvara in your closet at the same time is a good way to go. They complement each other very nicely.

  2. Thank you. I may just stay with the Kinvaras. I live in Canada but can get the Kinvaras onsale not the Brooks. A little disappointing with the Brooks miledge. Your review helps alot. Looks like I will rotate the kinvaras.

  3. I had been running in the Nike Free 3.0 for about 2 months (of about 40-50 miles per week) and was very happy with them. I am currently using a pair of Kinvaras that need to be replaced soon. Overall, I was very satisfied with them, (minus maybe a little too much cushioning) but they didn't last nearly as long as I had hoped. I was wondering if you had tried the New Balence Minumus Trail yet, and which of the PureProject shoes you would recommend.

    1. I have used the NB Minimus Trail (1st version) and have had a lot of success with them. If cushioning is not your thing then I would definitely recommend them. I used them for my first 50k on a pretty rocky, muddy trail and had no real problems. I can't speak for the new Minimus Trail 00, though I did try them on in the store. I found the upper on them to feel very strange, almost like rough tissue paper, so that turned me off of them. As for the PureProject line, I love the Flow and the Grit. I wore the Flows out on a 20 mile run the first time I used them and afterwards my feet felt like they had barely run at all. Same with the Grits, which in my opinion are just the trail version of the Flows. If you thought the Kinvaras had too much cushioning, however, you may not like the Flow, since I found the cushioning to be much more pronounced than the Kinvara. Best of luck with your shoes choices!


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