Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The First But Not The Last

First off, this video is a very extremely accurate representation of how I felt immediately afterwards and for the following 48 hours after the race:

I've never been in so much pain.

That said, I can't wait to run my next marathon. In fact, even during the race, when I was in terrible pain and feeling discouraged, I wasn't hating running. There wasn't a single moment where I regretted having decided to run the thing in the first place. How did I get through those tough times? I pictured myself not only finishing that race, but my 50k and my 50-miler and my 100-miler and my eventual will-destroy-it-someday sub-4 marathon.

I had a blast. A painful, slowly dying, but inner happiness blast. Which is why I wasted no time signing up for the 20in24 Lone Ranger Ultra Marathon yesterday when registration opened. No time to waste with only 300 spots. 60+ miles or bust!

I have a pretty packed spring race schedule, so I don't know that I'll be able to squeeze in another marathon, but next fall I'll be back again for sure! This weekend wasn't just my first marathon, but the first of many!


  1. Heya Kristin -- Don't you love that awesome/horrible feeling? :) I'm gearing up to re-post your race report on MRMS so keep an eye out! (www.myracemystory.com)

    Also check out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncsTy6hIQCk

    Congrats girl!

  2. Hi Steph! I will definitely keep an eye out on your blog. Great video too! It never gets old haha.


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