Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fears and Self Help: Marathon Edition

This week is going to be all marathon posts all the time, so if that's not cool then sorry, can't help ya!

As I inch closer and closer to race day little bits of anxiety are starting to pop up. Races can be scary. First time marathons can be very scary. After all, 26.2 miles is a long way to go.

No makeup and no tan is also scary

What I fear

I did not taper enough

I knew I was potentially harming my racing ability when I ran a 20 miler two weeks before race day. I'm still glad I did it, but I'm also glad I won't feel fully rested come race day. It's just five days before and I feel tired and my muscles are sore and stiff.

I will get bored with the course

It feels like I've run a thousand times up and down Kelly Drive, where Marathon miles 13-26 (yes, 50% of the race) are to be run. I know it will look and feel different on race day, but I fear that in those last miles heading to the finish I will be so tired of the course that it will make me fall flat.

It will be too hot/cold/windy/rainy

The weather is all over the place. Two seconds after I rejoiced on Sunday about a sunny high of 55 it changed to rain. Now it's cloudy and 62. Make up your mind weatherman! Even five degrees can make a difference.

I will crash after mile 20

Sure, I've run three 20-milers and made it through just fine, but after I hit mile 20 on Sunday I will still have 6 more miles to go. 6! That's a workout in itself, let alone after already running 20 miles. What if I hit the dreaded "wall?" What if I lose my motivation?

I will have an upset stomach

This is something I feared when I ran the Rock 'n' Roll Philly Half in September after having several really horrible experiences with race fuel. I had to cut out all gels and blocks and figure out what to substitute with. During the RnR Half I went with Fig Newtons and they worked great. I'm planning on dong the same on Sunday. Still, there is always a fear that I will feel sick in the middle of the race. It's seriously not a good time.

I will not finish in a time that is satisfying to me

This, of course, is the reason I fear all of those other things above. Because it's all of those things that could cause me to slow down and finish with what I would consider a "bad time" for me. To be clear, I'm not worried about not finishing. I know I will finish. But, like everything else, it's all about the numbers and the pressure I put on myself to meet them. I'm trying really hard not to, but a tiger can't really change it's stripes.

What I Tell Myself

I did not taper enough

Your body will bounce back and heal itself. It will give you tools you need to finish strong.

I will get bored with the course

This is your advantage. You know the course like the back of your hand. You already know all the mental tricks to get you down that long road because you've used them a thousand times before during training runs. 

It will be too hot/cold/windy/rainy

You've run through 110 degrees and sunny and 15 degrees and icy. You can run through anything. Deal with it.

I will crash after mile 20

You will not feel defeated after mile 20. You will feel stronger. All you need to do is get to the finish line. You may as well run. It will be faster.

I will have an upset stomach

No help here. If it happens it happens (also, maybe avoid froyo the night before just in case).

I will not finish in a time that is satisfying to me

It's not about the time. It's about the distance. Isn't that the whole reason you want to get into ultras anyway? And so what if you don't meet your time goals? You can wage war the next time around. 

What things to you tell yourself to get through your fears about running or racing?


  1. I tend to either get really, really nervous for races or tend to go in denial mode completely forgetting about them. I tend to do better if I go the denial route and just show up and have fun. My advice (not that it is worth much) is try not to focus on the time thing. I read that like 500 times going into my first marathon but of course still had a goal and then got frustrated when I didn't meet it. You've trained well though so hopefully everything works out perfectly for you this weekend and you rock Philly!!!

  2. You will not crash after mile 20 because we will be there to motivate each other! Woot!

  3. i'm also running sunday and have pretty much all the same fears! and every time i think i've figured out my outfit i have to change it again!! ARGH!! maybe i will see you sunday!

  4. Thanks for all the well wishes everyone! Christine - good luck on Sunday!!


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