Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful Thursdays: Learning is Cool & the Great Balancing Act

Lots of things to be thankful for this week, some running-related, some not.

I'm thankful to be studying something that I love

I've never wanted to be one of those people that hates what they do in life (who does really?). I've been lucky enough to have found running, which has been such a hugely positive addition. In addition though, and perhaps more importantly, I'm lucky to be studying something I love. I spent four blissful hours last Sunday, nose buried in a Middle Egyptian dictionary and grammar book, translating eight non-verbal clauses for my take-home midterm. It was awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed it, even if it was difficult (or perhaps because it was difficult). I was definitely born to be a runner, but I also think I might have also been born to be an Egyptologist.

Yay Egypt! - At the Met, February 2011

I'm thankful for Philadelphia Marathon Shirts

The last few mornings I've been out running there have been a LOT of people. More than usual for 6 am. Many of them are donning previous year's Philly Marathon tech shirts with old slogans such as "Push Through," "Running Means," and "Kick Asphalt." I'm sure these runners have just pulled them out of their winter storage, because it's definitely longsleeve-shirt running season, but I can't help to think that they are also all training for this year's race, and it's getting me super siked up! I can't wait to pick up my own shirt in just two weeks!


I'm thankful that I've been able to balance it all

"It all" being work, school, an intense workout regimen, a good night's sleep, and everything else in between. Yesterday, for example, I woke up at 5:45, hit the pool for 1200 m, showered, went to work until 3:30, class until 5, 6-mile run, a haircut at 6:45, home to do dinner and laundry, and in bed by 10:30. And today: 5 mile morning run, work 8-5, spin 5:30, class 6:30-8, home to eat dinner and plan engagement photo outfits for tomorrow. BOOM. I'm getting good at this!

I'm thankful for the end of Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings is always a double edged sword. In March we "spring forward" and lose an hour of sleep, but in exchange we get a little more light at the end of the day. This Sunday we get to "fall back," enjoy an extra hour snuggled in bed, but then have to deal with darkness at 4:30 in the afternoon. In two weeks time I'll be cursing it, but for now, I can't wait for my one extra hour.

I'm thankful for the New York Marathon this Sunday

Though I'm not running this year, that doesn't mean I'm not caught up in the hype and excitement for everyone who is. Sunday morning I'm sure I will be glued to my computer for a little bit, refreshing newsfeeds to find out how everyone is doing (go Lauren Fleshman!). Good luck to everyone out there (and enjoy your extra hour of pre-race sleep)!


I'm thankful for gourmet food trucks

Gone are the days of crappy, tin can food trucks with stale pretzels and soggy hot dogs. In the past few years gourmet food trucks have been popping up everywhere. There's a cupcake truck and a gourmet sliders truck and a fancy mexican food truck, etc, etc. You get the idea. I'm a huge fan of this trend, even more so because these wonderful vehicles populate Penn campus and are accessible every weekday. Today's pick: Pitruco, a mobile wood-fired pizza truck.

I'm thankful for cooperative shins

Or rather, I'm thankful that I have been cooperative with my shins. I've now run three days in a row, which I haven't done in at least three weeks. I'm paying extra close attention to my shins to ensure I don't overdo it. I will probably move my Saturday long run to Sunday to break it up a bit. Overall though, they are doing good and I couldn't be happier! :)

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. ohh i am doing Philly and you just got me all excited to think about my race shirt!

    love thankful thursday!

  2. I know what you mean about being lucky to study something that really sparks your interest. Sometimes my "day job" is stressful, but the topic (demographics) is always fascinating to me. I've become one of those people who geeks out over news stories and academic journal articles. :) It's a great feeling to find a subject you love!


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