Friday, November 18, 2011

Philadelphia Marathon: Goals

It's officially two days until race day so it's about time I firmed up my goals. I don't remember what my goal was when I started training back in June. Maybe just to finish? I'm not sure. What I do know is that since then I've learned a lot about running, racing, and marathoning after reading many of the lovely running blogs out there. Let me just say to all of you who write your own blogs - you are an incredible source of information, motivation, and support for me.

I know that after my half marathon PR in September I decided to shoot for sub-4 and signed up for the 4-hour CLIF Bar pace team. Now, after a craptastic October and an injury, I need to re-evaluate.

Time Goals:
  • Run a sub-4 - I know this is on a lot of people's bucket list including my own. I don't ever think I'll be someone who can run a 3:30 or under so 4 hours is the major goal. According to McMillan, based on my half time I should be able to swing it. Of course, let's not forget that between my October injury and my lack of speedwork I'm probably definitely not in as good a shape as I was two months ago. I'm still planning of running with the pace group, at least for as long as I can keep up!
  • Run a sub-4:15 - There is a decent chance I won't sub-4 and that's okay. Something to work towards next time! If not a sub-4, then finishing within 4:15 would be great. I'm pretty sure I can do this as my last 20-miler I held a 9:30 pace and the previous 20-miler I held a 9:20 pace. To meet 4:15 I would only need to hold a 9:43.
  • Run a sub-4:30 - If it all falls apart and I'm stopping at every porta potty and walking up the hills I would still like to come in under 4:30.
Other Goals:
  • Run negative splits - It felt really good to walk away from the Rock 'n' Roll Half in September knowing my pace got faster and faster as the miles ticked by. My goal for this race is the same. Even if I stick with the pace group (miraculously) the whole time, I'd love to break off the last mile or two and stride ahead.
  • Walk through the water stops - Catch my breath. Move on. This is the only time I hope to walk.
  • Sprint to the finish - I always like to finish a race strong, even if it's the last 20 feet. You gather all of your little, last, hard-to-find, bits of energy and storm the finish line!
  • Have fun! - It's going to hurt. It's going to be tough. I will probably curse running at some point (mile 23 I'm thinking). But I am determined to walk away having had a good time. This is certain if my sister and I stick together. No doubt she'll have me cracking up about something.
So, to sum up my mission for the marathon, the goal is to finish looking like this:

I crush you race!
Not this:

So not in the mood to be paparazzi-ed
Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Have a great race...sounds like you have great goals for the race! You've trained well for it, so go tackle Philly!


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