Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Looking Ahead: 2012 Race Calendar

November seems to strike many things in people's lives: the beginning of the holiday shopping season, winter weather, and, of course, the realization that only two short months remain until the New Year. The New Year could mean a fresh start or a new challenge. For runners the New Year means a new race calendar to look forward to!

I starting planning my 2012 race calendar back in the spring when I really started getting into running. Since my first race ever in February I was hooked!

Yay racing!
In 2011, I will have raced every race, except for one (above) in Pennsylvania. I hope to stretch my boundaries a little bit in 2012 with both race locations and distances. I addition to adding more "exotic" locations and longer mileage, I also want to have a good mix of trail and road races. Ultra events tend to be small and unheard of, which is nice, but I would also still love to run a huge, mega-sponsored, 10,000+ person race every so often.
So, without further ado, my 2012 calendar:

January 7: PHUNT 50k - A laid back, 31-some-mile fat-ass through Maryland with Mike, my sister, and her boyfriend in tow.

February 11*: Cupid's Chase 5k - This race in 2011 was my first race ever. I will probably run again to celebrate this and also because, frankly, what the hell else is there better to do in the middle of February?

March 17*: Rock 'n Roll USA Half Marathon - To fill my half marathon void that is already building up since September! Also, those Rock 'n Roll guys put on a freaking awesome race.

March 18*: NYC Half Marathon - I plan to run either this or the DC Half (above) based on whether or not I'm accepted via the lottery system.

March 24: HAT 50k - My first real, non fat-ass ultra. Registration for this baby sold out in 15 hours so you know it's good!

May 6*: Broad Street Run - The largest 10-miler in the US, 10 miles from the top of Broad Street to the Navy Yard, right in go ol' Philly. It's the spring Philly race to run.

June 2*^: North Face Endurance Challenge DC 50 Miler - Yup, 50 miles. You read it right. Hopefully it won't be 100 degrees and 90% humidity, but hey, I'll work with whatever I've got.

July 14-15*: 20in24 Lone Ranger Ultra Marathon - How many 8.4 mile river loops can I run in 24 hours? If I make it through June's event I'll probably be gunning for 50+ miles.

September 30*: Vermont 50 Miler - I hear great things about the race and the scenery. A must-do for 50 mile events.

October 28*^: Marine Corps Marathon - I'm sure I'll get a kick out of the ultra/trail running scene, but I want to run a regular marathon for the fall as well.

November 4*^: New York City Marathon - Fingers crossed I get in through the lottery!

November 17*^: JFK 50 Miler - Another well- known 50 miler, this time in Maryland.

December 2*^: Rock 'n Roll Las Vegas Marathon - I've never wanted to go to Vegas until I started running. This race looks awesome! I don't know that I'll necessarily have the energy/funds to set this up for 2012, but I will do it at some point.

* - not registered yet
^ - estimated date of event

Though I've had this list on a spreadsheet for more than 6 months now (and it goes through 2014 at this point, filled with more races for the future), it looks absolutely MASSIVE after typing it out here! It will be an ambitious year no doubt, but I hope it will prepare me for even bigger things come 2013!

Are you doing/wanting to do any of these races? What races are you planning for 2012?

1 comment:

  1. I'll be at HAT, that's the only one I'm registered for already...I was working on my schedule the other day too. I don't have it completely finalized yet but think I have it mostly figured out.


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