Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful Thursdays: Who Wears Short Shorts?

Many things to be thankful for this week!

I'm thankful for vacation days

I decided to take next Monday off of work to recover from the race. I know next week is a super short week anyway (yay Thanksgiving!), but I rather not sit in a desk chair all day 24 hours after running a marathon. Instead I'll be on the couch eating bagels and doing homework. That's a fair trade I'd say.

I'm thankful for (what will probably be the last of) warm weather:

I doubt that shorts will make it into December
While my half asleep facial doesn't really express my excitement about the warm weather, trust me, I was feeling it. The non-runner in me doesn't dig the 60 degrees. I'm ready for sweaters and scarves and moccasins. But the runner in me is thrilled to be pounding the pavement in shorts again. Of course, after about a month of long running pants weather I did have to get comfortable with my speed shorts all over again. Be gone with you thunder thighs!

I'm thankful to have a running partner again

There was a time when Mike and I used to run a lot together. If not during the week, then definitely on the weekends when we'd do our long runs together to prepare for our first half marathon.

ODDyssey Half Marathon 2011
Though he is still dealing with his foot injury, he has been able to join me for two short taper runs this week and it has been blissful. At first, I admit, I wish I had gone out alone. After all, I have been running solo for five months now and got used to it. It didn't take long, however, to get over that and enjoy his company again. He's still struggling with his injury, so he can't run too often or too far, which means that when my mileage starts hiking up again he won't be able to join me. For now though, I enjoy this time with him.

I'm thankful for the end of the semester

Most of my classes were already cancelled next week, so I'm really just looking at two more weeks after that of class time and homework. I'm so ready for winter break!

I'm thankful for personalized M&Ms

Combining chocolate and marriage?? Sign me up!

What are you thankful for this week?

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