Monday, July 2, 2012

Vacation is Over

The worst part of vacation is the end of vacation. After two weeks off of work, including the wedding, the honeymoon, and a few extra days doing some stuff around the house, it's back to the daily grind today. Le sigh...

I spent my last few days after we got back from Costa Rica doing a delightful amount of "whatever the hell I feel like doing because it's vacation." It would have been even merrier had the temperature not been scorching in the 100s.

Thank you Philadelphia fruit trucks, for making 100 degree weather all the more bearable
Despite the heat I still made it downtown to pick up some new kicks (as if that could ever keep me from purchasing new running shoes). I had 75 or so more miles left on my Kinvara 2s, but they got kind of torn up on the volcanos in Costa Rica. I took it as a sign to upgrade to the 3s, which I have been salivating for since they came out in the spring anyway.

First run = A-MAZING. Love.
And again, despite the heat, I spent the weekend frolicking in these beauties outside. No treadmills for this girl.

Watermelon is a must after hot sweaty runs
So, to the point of this post, yes, vacation is over, but what comes next could be just as good. Today I officially start JFK 50 training, which will also have wrapped into it Tough Mudder and Baltimore Marathon training. I don't have a plan drafted and I don't really plan to make one at the moment. The goal is to build mileage over the next two months of the summer. I finally made it back up to 46 mpw the week of my wedding. It felt fantastic. Up and onwards I say! And, as before, I'll keep up with the cycling to work and the pilates and probably one Xtend Barre or boxing class per week. Time to get cut!

Are you starting to train for your fall races yet? Got a plan?


  1. I'm a little lost on what I'm going to do for JFK at the moment but am basically concentrating on the same thing. Keep and build up mileage at this point until I figure out a plan! :)

  2. Love the shoes! And I want to hear about Costa Rica and the wedding!

  3. Those shoes are awesome. Glad you had an awesome honeymoon- can't wait to hear about it!


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