Monday, July 23, 2012

JFK Training: Week 3

After feeling really tired last week on only my second week of training, this week went much better!

Monday 7/16:

17 mile bike
50 minute Reformer Pilates class

Tuesday 7/17:

6 mile run
16 mile bike

While I physically felt refreshed after taking 48 hours off from running, Tuesday morning's run was nonetheless a huge pile of suck. I think I do better taking less time off between runs. After only two days I have a tough time getting into running again.

Wednesday 7/18:

5 mile run
17 mile bike
50 minute Reformer Pilates class

I wanted to do double runs on Wednesday, but I wanted to do speed the next day even more. So I skipped the double runs and rested my stems.

I had my best reformer class yet on Wednesday morning. We did a little bit of everything including the Wunda Chair, which scares the crap out of me. Two months ago I tried to do this move (below) and I could not summon the mysterious ab muscles to make it happen. Wednesday morning? Nailed it! Twice!

Thursday 7/19:

6 mile run (speed)
16 mile bike

Last week I wrote about how lame I feel for being so slow all of the time. Instead of whining more I decided to buck up and hit the track. Mike agreed to come along, which soothed my fears a little bit. We jogged the 1.25 miles there and did 3 x 1 mile repeats with 400 m rest in between. I had zero expectations for what my times would be like. After all, it had been six months (SIX!) since I'd done any sort of speed work.

The first mile hurt like hell. I think it hurt more than my entire first marathon did. I felt like I was going to die. I slowed up on the second mile, still exhausted from the first , and pushed it again on the third coming in with splits of 7:41, 8:08, and 7:47. All in all, I was supremely happy with the workout. I really did not expect to see a 7 register at all after so much time off. My shins felt awesome and I literally had a bounce in my step the rest of the day. Only speedwork does that for me!

Friday 7/20:

16 mile bike
60 minute boxing class

Saturday 7/21:

20 mile run

Sometime last week I decided that I just had to do 20 miles on this day. I was craving it. Even though we left late the weather was amazing, like 67 degrees and cloudy with no humidity amazing, and we cruised through the first half of the run with no problem.

Around mile 13 I ate some Sport Beans, which are pretty much the last type of gel-like energy fuel that my stomach can handle. Apparently though, I now have to ditch the beans as well, because my stomach was screaming at me as soon as I ate them. We decided to make a pit stop home, effectively ruining the whole 20-miles-straight kind of thing. I refueled on some pretzels after my GI issues were taken care of and then we finished off the last 5 miles still pretty pissed off at my stomach. I mean gels and blocks and beans might not be the most appetizing things ever, but they have convenience on their side. I guess it's pretzels and fig newtons from now on.

1 packet = 100 calories - 10 seconds to eat, fits in your shorts/water bottle pocket
15-18 = 100 calories - 2+ minutes to eat, doesn't easily fit anywhere!

Post-run we went out to a late brunch. Mike was crazing a bloody mary for some reason. Literally the last thing I would personally want after a run, but whatever. To each his own.

I kept it simple and went for the fruit and sparkling water.

Sunday 7/22:

8 mile run

My legs felt fresh as daisies for my run on Sunday, even though I ran my longest run in about 6 months the day before.

Week 3 Totals

46 miles running
82 miles biking
3 fitness classes

This week really proved to me that I was right not to use a training plan and just do everything by feel. There's no way I would have skipped a double run on Wednesday if it had been written down on a plan, but I don't regret missing it at all.

How was your week? Did you get in a particularly long run or some speed work?

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