Wednesday, July 18, 2012

In Search of Speed

After dealing with my stupid injury for two months in the spring and now running again for the last four I am, quite frankly, sick and tired of going so slow all of the time! In the eloquent words of Ricky Bobby, "I wanna go fast!"


At first I was more than happy to slow down, since running again was gift enough, however, my 10 minute miles are starting to wear on me, especially when I look at my paces from last summer, when I was crushing 8 minute miles like it was nobody's business even in the horrible heat.

There are plenty of reasons why I am still hesitant to start speed work again. For one, the combination of too many miles and too much speed brought on my shin splints in the first place. Secondly, I'm training for a 50 mile race, so speed isn't really a necessity as much as if my goal race were a half marathon.

Yet, despite all of that I find myself eager to move swiftly again. During Broad Street in May and Midnight Madness this month I started feeling it again, however my "I feel fast pace" during those races was last summer's "easy run pace," and I do have a problem with that. I know that I may not ever be as speedy as I was. After all, age slows you down, but I'm certainly willing to try.

The first sprint is always the hardest I guess.

How did you start speed training again after you stopped? Were you ever able to regain it after being injured?

1 comment:

  1. I cannot tell you how many times I've looked up a "I Wanna Go Fast" meme and come up short. LOVE IT!

    I totally get you about the speed; I did a loop in my friend's 20in24 relay and thought I was booking it, only to look down at my watch and see I was going my normal "jogging" pace. I'm still in recovery and you're still healing. You are right that with your ultra race in the fall, you don't really need to focus on speed, but I totally get where you are coming from. I would actually focus on speed walking for when you walk up any major hills (I learned in my 100 that I'm a slow power walker!).


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