Monday, July 16, 2012

JFK Training: Week 2

Between workouts, my summer class, a race, and just regular old work last week was crazy. Hence, no posts until today. Here we go!

Midnight Madness - recap coming later this week!
Monday 7/9:

17 mile bike
50 minute Reformer Pilates class

After a hilly ride the day before, I had a feeling I was going to regret not taking the weekend off from riding (and by Friday I would really regret it!). I had my first Reformer Pilates class. I've been doing Pilates now for about 2.5 months and while I really enjoy mat classes, I was dying to play with the machines. And yes, they are as fun as they look!

Tuesday 7/10:

6 mile run
16 mile bike

This morning's run was especially enjoyable on the tow path, probably due to the much cooler weather we were finally getting.

Wednesday 7/11:

4 mile run
17 mile bike
50 minute Reformer Pilates class

 I really wanted Wednesday to be my double run day because I have class Tuesdays and Thursdays, however it just wasn't in the cards. I was exhausted and decided to sleep in (well, until 6 am) and then by the time I got home after work I couldn't push out more than 4 miles. On the bright side, my second Reformer class went well and I didn't make quite as much of an ass of myself as Monday.

Thursday 7/12:

6.5 mile run
16 mile bike
3.5 mile run

Double runs for the win! I did my favorite hill workout in the morning. I think I'm going to start calling it my 7-Up run because there are seven uphills (4 big, 3 little) and 6 downhills (even though it does not appear to be that many in the profile below). After work I got in a quick 3.5 miles to round out 10 for the day.

Friday 7/13:

17 mile bike
60 minute boxing class

Boxing Friday morning was tough. I was feeling super exhausted and weak and I really struggled to get through the class. I was wondering why I felt so shitty when it suddenly hit me: I hadn't had a rest day in nearly two weeks! Not only that, but everyday I was doing multiple hours of exercise. I'm really hesitant to give up any of my activities because I love them all, however, between long runs on the weekend and biking to work alone, I really don't have a day of rest. I'm going to have a figure out a solution to this, because rest days are a necessity!

Saturday 7/14:

10 mile trail run

Saturday morning Mike and I slept in until 8 am and then headed out to Forbidden Drive. The rain started coming down as we left and ended up making it a near perfect run. Forbidden Drive is so empty and peaceful when the weather is like this.

I did become slightly concerned during the run when I started to "notice" my left shin again. I tried to take it really slow and wore a calf sleeve just in case.

Post-run we made a trip to Whole Foods to refuel. We spent the rest of the day taking it easy because we were going to run Midnight Madness in the evening. Usually I am in bed by 9:30, so not starting a race until midnight is asking a lot of my body and mind.

Sunday 7/15:

9 mile run

Sunday I woke up exhausted, but still, through the mid-afternoon I had plans to run another 7-10 miles to make it a high mileage weekend. However, between my exhaustion and the disgusting humidity, I bailed on it. I figured, you know what, there are only so many times I'm going to be okay with not running and taking some time off, so I should probably take advantage of those moments. And, even though I ran a race at 12am that morning, I'm calling Sunday a rest day.

Week 2 Totals:

38 miles running
83 miles biking
3 fitness classes

Week 2 was tough even though I ran and biked less than last week. I'm really glad I took Sunday off and, despite still feeling really tired from Saturday night, I feel really good today. My muscles feel rested and I think I'll be ready to tackle running again tomorrow.   

1 comment:

  1. Awesome miles this week! I ended up hoping in a relay to help out a friend's team and volunteered for a few hours working in the timing tent. Wished I could have done the midnight loop, though, too!


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