Friday, July 20, 2012

20in24 Midnight Madness Recap

I was not meant to run this race. I was actually meant to run the Lone Ranger Ultra, which is another part of the 20in24 event, however, as you can read here, about six weeks before race day I decided to bail on it and do a switch to Midnight Madness instead. Best. Decision. Ever.

This race marked the first time I've ever run the same race twice and it was no less fun the second time around (you can read last year's recap here). Anyways, on to the recap!

Saturday morning, after Mike and I did our 10 mile trail run, we headed out for some Midnight Madness themed shopping. I was hell bent on glowing brighter than last year.

My sister and I at last year's event
We spent the rest of the day trying to take it easy and, most importantly, avoid the 9 pm sleepy hour that comes around every night. I was seriously worried about falling asleep and missing the race. Somehow though we stayed awake and at 10:30 pm we headed down to Lloyd Hall. Once we got there we took our time adding the finishing touches on our outfits.

And then we met up with friends Lisa and Greg who kindly snapped a billion photos of us.

Mike had to sit out of this race last year because of his foot (though, being the amazing man he is, he still came out at midnight and hung around until Caitlin and I were done) so he was super pumped to take part this year. I admit, when we first arrived and I saw the Lone Rangers passing through the start area I was kind of jealous. "That was supposed to me out there, having run for 14 hours already, looking like death, throwing up in the bushes damnit!"
At 12 am 300-some runners gathered at the start and we were off! I had no particular goals for this race and I was just hoping to have fun. We spent the first few miles chatting with our friends and taking it nice and slow, especially since I had been "noticing" my shin all day.

I've run that river loop so many times I can't even count, but doing it in the middle of the night while covered head to toe in neon green, sparkles, and glow sticks, makes it feel a lot different. Like last year, we kept cheering on all of the Lone Rangers and relay runners who were passing us in the opposite direction.

About 3 or 4 miles in my stomach started bubbling. That is the trick with these late night races - you've been eating all day and, if you're like me and you haven't been paying attention to what you've been eating, you've probably eaten something that does not agree with running 8.45 miles at midnight. Lesson learned.

I really didn't want to stop at a porta potty so the next best solution was to just run faster to get to the finish. I'd say I spent at least 60% of the race in discomfort, but when I didn't focus on it the pain went away and I just got to enjoy the run.

I seriously love this picture. Like love it so much I might have to actually buy it
Finally the finish was in sight!

Muscles in one leg, cellulite in the other - showing my equal love of both running and dessert
Right before we crossed the line Mike pushed me in front of him. What a guy. I picked a good one folks.

So majestic with his orange trail tape in the wind
Final Stats: 8.45 miles, 1:19:35, 9:24 pace

Surprisingly I came in more than a minute faster than last year and a whole lot faster than I've been going lately, which is encouraging.

We both had a really good time at the race. It's not one to miss if you ever in Philly in July. Some people mentioned that they missed the cheering crowds of normal road races, but frankly running through the dark on West River Drive was so utterly peaceful.

Best picture ever
Have you ever actually bought any of your race photos? Or do you just high jack them from the website like me? They are so expensive!!


  1. Looks like a lot of fun and that picture is great, I'd probably buy it if they aren't charging a fortune for them. A friend ran the Lone Ranger and the group that we'll run the AT with was there to pace and play support crew for her...I should've put the two together ahead of time! :)

  2. HOW FUN!!!! I love the idea of this race, I hope I can find a similar one near me!!

  3. I've never bought the race photos. Way too expensive! I couldn't figure out how to high jack them from the website! I tried everything but nothin'! Way to go on the race, looks like it was fun!


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