Monday, July 9, 2012

JFK Training: Week 1

I probably won't recap every week of training, but since it was an especially good week and this is the beginning of what I hope will be an especially challenging, but rewarding training cycle, I thought why not!

When I last left you I was coming off of a two week Honeymoon. While vacation is great, after 14 days of much less exercise than normal and much more food intake, I was more than ready to hit the sweat and start working out again last Monday. No better time to start a training cycle I guess. Here is how the week played out:

Monday 7/2:

17 mile bike
1000 m swim
55 minutes Xtend Barre DVD

I was a little surprised at how much I missed biking to work and I could hardly contain my excitement Monday morning. I've really come to enjoy my 30 minute rides. It's my own personal zen time right before and after work.
After work I tried out my new Xtend Barre DVD. I was doing a lot of Xtend Barre leading up to my wedding, but my intro package is now over and I don't know if I really want to throw down $20+ a class. The DVD includes a lot of the same workouts as the class. There were a few that I thought weren't very effective for me, but overall it's not a bad workout. And you definitely can't beat the price!

Tuesday 7/3:

6 mile run
17 mile bike
45 minutes Mixed Mat Pilates

I woke up feeling relatively sore from Xtend Barre the day before, which is a good sign (and makes me want to do the DVD again). I headed out for a quick run and then signed up for a last minute Mat Pilates class. It's amazing how much core strength I lost in just the two and a half weeks since my last class. Super tough, but super great feeling afterwards!

Wednesday 7/4:

10 mile run

Mike and I started 4th of July with a 10 mile run. We didn't end up leaving until 9 am. which was a huge mistake as it was already boiling hot outside. To make the run seem shorter I split it up into a 6 mile loop on the trails and a 4 mile loop on the tow path, passing by our house in between. That way it would only feel like 3 miles out and back and then 2 miles out and back.
6 on the trails, 4 on the tow path

Despite these efforts, however, it was still a positively awful run. I seriously did not enjoy a single second of it, and the whole time it had me questioning my ability to run 50 miles in the fall. But, hey, those runs happen, and you just have to realize that they won't all be good. So suck it up and push through!

So happy that damn run is over! Now let's celebrate!
Thursday 7/5:

16 mile bike
60 minute boxing class

Thursday morning I did something that I haven't done since September: boxing!!

Mike and I feel in love with boxing in January 2011, but we stopped going in September because commuting up to the studio became inconvenient once graduate school started. Now that we are much closer, we were stoked to start going again after vacation. I was absolutely terrified that I wouldn't remember all of the moves and wasn't physically fit enough to get through the class. Fortunately muscle memory is a beautiful thing and I shadow boxed my way through the warm up with no problem. It was a tough, tough class that left me sore until Saturday, but I loved every second of it. Can't wait to go back this week!

Friday 7/6:

6 mile run
16 mile bike

After work on Friday Mike and I went to our local bike store and I finally bought clip in shoes. Mike has been praising his, and I was eager to get some to make my commute feel a little easier. By the time we got home I was completely addicted to them and thought about them for the rest of the weekened.

Saturday 7/7:

15 mile run

I don't think I successfully got up early a single time last summer for any of my long runs, which is why Saturday was particularly amazing, since I was out of bed and brushing my teeth by 4:30 am. With tempertures expected to hit the 100s, I was not gonig to take a chance and leave 15 miles for 9 am. Even though I was out the door by 4:50, however, it was still really hot and humid out!

81 degrees should be the HIGH, not the low!
It was sort of miserable, but far better than it would have been had I waited. After all, I was done and back home by 7:30.

Poor Sophie could barely make it through her walks on Saturday with the heat

Sunday 7/8:

8 mile run
21 mile bike

I really had no intention of biking on Sunday, but my clip ins were calling to me, so I convinced Mike to try out a route we tried in the fall (posted about here). This route is ever so politely referred to as the "F*cked Up Hills" route in my mapmyrun catalog.

In the fall I managed to get through it on my hybrid with quite a bit of defeat and walking. Happily, between the road bike, the clip ins, and some certainly stronger "bike legs" I made it up every hill with the exception of the beast around mile 5.

The picture really does not do it justice

Five hours after the ride we both managed to get out the door for an 8 mile run. My legs felt surprisingly fresh after all of the miles I put them through during the weekend.

Week 1 Totals:

45 miles running
87 miles biking
1000 m swimming
3 fitness classses

I think it's safe to say I feel back to normal after vacation!

Did you start training for your fall races yet? How was your week?!


  1. So awesome that you are doing JFK! I think I'll attempt it one year, but I need to start incorporating way more trail running before I do so. Living in CC, it's easy to just be a road runner exclusively, but the small trail section of my 100 miler was one of the best parts of the course.

    Can't wait to hear how the rest of your training goes!

  2. wow! Killer workouts in horrible heat. Good for you!

  3. Ggod Luck with your training!! Are you following a "plan" or just doing your own thing? I ask because I will hopefully be doing my first 50M on the exact same day! I am following Ultraladies plan with alot of modifications ;-)

    1. Right now I'm not following any sort of particular plan. I injured myself pretty bad last time I tried to stick to one, so I am going solo this time! I definitely look at lots of plans though, and they tend to inform what my weekend runs might look like, but I don't have anything down on paper. What race are you running on the same day? Good luck with everything!

  4. Stone Mill 50m!! I say hopefully because reg doesnt open until 8/1. Only 200 or 250 spots at a cost of $35. It fills fast.


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