Monday, July 30, 2012

Recipe for an Awesome Weekend

This weekend had a lot of awesome things going for it. Let's review shall we?

1) Awesome Long Runs

Last Saturday I felt like doing 20 miles. This Saturday I couldn't get the number 18 out of my head. So, around 7 am Saturday Mike and I headed out for 18 blissful miles through East Fairmount Park and Center City.

The route I mapped was essentially a tour of all my old favorite routes from when we lived downtown. Not only was it nice to revisit my old haunts, but we also found a new-to-me running trail in East Fairmount Park. The Boxers' Trail actually cuts back through the woods for a mile or so (mile 4-5ish on the map). It was such a delightful surprise to be on the city streets one minute and then on a wooded trail the next.

While we were fortunate enough to have cloud cover for most of the run that didn't stop the humidity from getting to us. I went through four handheld bottles of water and chugged two more bottles as soon we finished. I don't think I've ever sweat so much in my life.

We ended our run in what I believe is the best place possible to end any run: at the bagel place.

Bagels and Kinvaras go so well together
Afterwards we caught a 20 minute train ride back to our neighborhood and said goodbye to Center City for now. This is the second run I've ever done as a "one-way" where I take the train back and I kind of dig it.

2) Awesome People

Sad thing: My sister's bike got stolen last week in NYC.

Happy thing: I offered to let her use my hybrid if she came to pick it up, hence she got to make an impromptu trip to Philly and we got to hang out for 24 hours.

Sparkling water is much more delicious when it comes in fancy wine glasses
Mike, Caitlin, and I headed out Sunday morning for a 10 mile trail run. My legs felt pretty good until the last mile or so, which I was happy with considering Saturday's long run.

I <3 you Yellow Trail

3) Awesome New Things

Friday after work I did something I've wanted to do for about a year: chopped half of my hair off! It hasn't been this short in maybe 12-15 years. To be honest I was terrified, but it turned out great and I feel like a whole new person. Plus, I didn't deal with any gross, tangled, sweat drenched pony tails on my runs.

One of the best things about having my sister around is that she always has great food ideas. I told her I was trying to cut down on desserts so she recommended making my own popcorn for an evening snack. Low and behold Trader Joe's just happened to have organic popping corn!

Mike and I made a 1/2 cup to split with some olive oil and a dash of salt and pepper on top. It was delicious and so freaking easy!

4) Awesome Entertainment

The Olympics are going on, have you heard? I don't really remember following the 2008 events in Beijing, but I am all over the London happenings.

Best part of the Opening Ceremonies:

I spent parts of Saturday and Sunday catching up on the events:

Like Vollmer's 100 m Butterfly WR
Or gymnastics anything
One of the best parts of the Olympics? Every single commercial has Olympians in it so that even when you're not watching the actual events you get pumped up and inspired watching these amazing people. Commercials should be like that all of the time!

Did you watch the Olympics? What was your favorite part so far?

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