Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 2012 in Review

Let me jump right in to proudly declare that I finally (finally!) hit 200 miles for the month! Woooooo!

And chose to celebrate by wearing the most obnoxiously mismatched outfit I could find

Mileage Recap

A year ago - July 2011: 151.95
January: 181.21
February: 86.84
March: 6
April: 89.59
May: 128.43
June: 137.72
July: 200.1

I have nearly hit 200 mi/month two times before, but I would inevitably injure myself (once for 10 days, once for 6+ weeks. Eek!). I'm committed to being healthy this time around so if I feel any aches or pains then it's break time. I'm pretty siked that I made it to 200 in only my first month of JFK training. Three more months of build to go!

Cross Training Recap

331.72 miles road cyling
1000 m swam
8 Pilates classes
3 Boxing classes
1 Xtend Barre class

What went well

This month I fell in love with the long run all over again. I had my first signifant distance runs (18 and 20) since February. For some reason I can't stand mid-distance runs of anything 10-16 miles. They make me want to hurl. But anything under or over that and I'm happy as a clam. Strange, no?

This month is the first training month I've ever done without an actual training plan. While the calendar-obsessed organization freak in me is still mourning, the rest of me is really agreeing with this decision. I throw ideas about weekly mileage together on Sunday night and if it works out, it works out. if it doesn't, it doesn't. Low stress.

I have been loving pilates. Like love, love. I'm thinking of getting certified as a mat instructor late this fall or early next spring. I got back to boxing as well and, despite a few split knuckles, my body is loving it.

What didn't go well

In general this month has been exhausting. Understandably so. I've been working out quite a bit and have hardly had a complete rest day. Going forward I'm going to try and remedy this. I might drive into work one day so I don't even have to get on my bike. Whatever the solution is, rest days are essential and can't be skipped!

And, yet another month when I didn't make it to the pool enough. I get lazy during my lunch hour and don't feel like moving. Try, try again next month.

August 2012 Goals

I have no races in August (at least not at the moment) so it's really going to be all about the continue build in training. Some more specific goals include:

- Get to the pool once a week
- Continue foam rolling every night
- Move into month 2 of JFK training with caution and take breaks when I need to
- Clean up my diet by removing most of the processed foods and refined sugars


  1. Sounds like things are going well! Keep it up!

  2. Yay for 200 miles! That's impressive!

  3. Umm that is amazing! I foam roll after every run but I should really do it every night like you do. It's the consistency that works, just like with running,

  4. The foam roller and I have a love hate relationship for sure!

  5. Yayy! Congrats on 200 miles for the month! That is my goal for August, now that the wedding is done : )

    Thanks for your nice comment welcoming me back! I'm looking forward to getting all caught up with everyone...


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