Sunday, December 4, 2011

Weekend Playdates

I wouldn't say I'm the most social of butterflies. On an average Friday night I'd prefer to stay at home with Mike and the pups and curl up watching a movie. That said it's nice to get out every once in awhile and actually try to talking other human beings, which is exactly what I did this weekend.

Saturday evening we made a date with our friend Amy to have dinner and see her new place. This meant I actually had to wear something other than tech gear and put on some real people clothes.

Sophie was really jealous of my shoes. I told her she could borrow them next time.
Because we felt the girls needed to socialize too, we brought them along for their own playdate with our friend's dog Lucy.

While they were hanging out (probably sitting around a table playing cards), we headed to a nearby restaurant for some drinks and grub.

Mike's veggie flatbread pizza from which I stole a few bites
This morning I felt like keeping the playdate going and met up with Shannon and Sally from my Ragnar team for a nice run.

Ragnar girls
9.5 miles goes a lot faster when you're yapping the whole time!

I'm going to spend the rest of my Sunday doing some homework, hanging out, and enjoying these lovelies that I picked up at TJs.

A perfect Sunday if you ask me!


  1. All of that looks awesome...where are your shoes from? Also, now I want pizza.

  2. Shoes are from I'm obsessed with that site!


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