Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thankful Thursdays: Grinch Be Gone!

After kicking myself in the butt yesterday and owning up to my issues lately, I think things are finally turning around!

I'm thankful that I got to the pool this morning:

I swam this morning for the first time in three weeks. THREE WEEKS! It felt amazing. It also felt like I swallowed six gallons of water, but hey it's been awhile! I always feel great all day after running in the morning, but swimming gives me an extra special all day kinda feeling. Oh happiness!

Can anyone make swim caps look good?
I'm thankful for running buddies:

I usually dread my weekday runs when I have to do them in the afternoon. I'm tired. I just worked all day. I just want to go home. But yesterday's run was suprisingly enjoyable. A year ago this time I started running right after work because the sun was down by 5pm and I didn't want to run in the dark after I got home. Yesterday my co-worker and racing buddy Julia decided to jump on the bandwagon and try out my strategy. We did 4 x 1 mile long loops near work and chatted the whole time. It was lovely and it flew by. After she left I did a few more fasties on my own. Piece. Of. Cake. Running buddies rock!

I'm thankful that the temperature has evened out...for now:

Last week it was 60 degrees. A few days ago it was 25 degrees. Now it's settled around 45 and it looks like it's going to stay around there for awhile. I'm not dying when I go outside, but I don't overheat on my runs. I dig it.

I'm thankful for extra awesome days at work:

Days like this:

Because the Ancient Egyptians wouldn't want to be left out
I'm thankful for photo booths:

Our office holiday party had a photo booth. And I may have hogged it a little.

I'm definitely getting one of these for my wedding.

I'm thankful for single serving cereals:

I was so excited to get to the pool this morning that I completely forgot to pack my breakfast. Luckily I found this gem at at nearby Wawa. I don't usually buy full boxes of cereal or granola because I will eat it all in one sitting. Single servings are sweet!

What are you thankful for this week?

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I love your photobooth pics- we seem to share a love for the silly face.... Great job kicking life in the ass- sometimes you just have to do that, ya know? Good for you- you rock!


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