Friday, December 16, 2011

5 Reasons to Smile

Life is hard. Winter can be harder. Sometimes it's tough getting through your day-to-day and negativity can easily seep in, but you don't have to let it! Everyday, whether your happy, sad, or somewhere in the middle, try to come up with five things that make you smile and I bet your optimism will find it's way in afterwards.

Here are five things that are making me smile today:

Happy Friday smile
1. Winter break

Don't get me wrong, I love grad school. And I do feel pretty hard core balancing that and a full time job and an intense running schedule, but even Superman needs a day off every now and then. Last night I finished my last final and danced all the way home and into this morning.

2. Refuel with Chocolate Milk

I'm super happy to announce that I am in the running to receive an athlete grant from Refuel with Chocolate Milk and join Team Refuel! I know a lot of other bloggers who repped for them in Las Vegas two weeks ago and it sounds like they had a blast working with this company.

So pretty please won't you head over there and vote for this girl! You can vote once a day from now through January 15th and you better believe I'm going to be super annoying about it for the next 30 days.

3. Girl Talk

No, not the game (though that was pretty cool too back in the day). I'm talking about the musician Girl Talk, who is actually a guy named Gregg Michael Gillis and he does amazing things with music and mashups. I just rediscovered it on my ipod this morning and now I know exactly what I'm running 12 miles to tomorrow.

4. Cinnamon Nature Valley Granola Bars

Why is it that I can never find a full box of these things? They are delicious (!!), but I've only ever seen the Oats 'n' Honey and Peanut Butter in stores. However, if you buy the Variety Pack they give you two of these, so I stocked up on a few boxes of these at Target last weekend. No surprise they were all eaten by Tuesday and I was sad. Except that this morning I found another one hiding in my pantry! Joy!

5. One Week Until I See My Favorite People

Oh yeah and it will also be Christmas so I guess that's cool too. :)

What is ONE reason you are smiling today?


  1. Kristin, I am so ridiculously jealous of your optimism so keep it coming -- hopefully it's contagious! Congrats on being DONE for the semester. :)
    Ps- try the Fiber One chocolate chip chewy bars... or maybe don't. Too easy to get hooked!

  2. We took a half day off of work and went to the movies as a company today! That made me smile pretty much all day! Yeah for Winter break! I wish I still had those, but I do get 11 days off of work starting next week. Oh AND I voted for you!


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