Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away

It's officially been raining at least 24 hours non-stop. Probably more like 30. And I'm officially over it. Shitty weather is such an excellent way to kick off my new training plan!

Taken after running in rainy Hurricane Irene
Luckily yesterday I was able to get in my first training run with only a slight drizzle. I can complain about the rain all I want, but the truth is that once I'm out there it sure does get me going faster and I can't knock it for that. So, yesterday's workout ended up being a bit of a tempo run with 5 miles at an average 8:45 pace. This is the first time I've seen an 8:xx since I ran the marathon, and the first training run I've seen an 8:xx since, like, early October. So YAY for that!

Unfortunately my good streak ended there, since this morning, hearing the rain, I dismissed my alarm and slept through my swim workout. Biking to the gym in the rain did not sound like a good time. Of course getting home this evening the weather is no better. And now it's not just rainy, but dark and cold on top of it, so I'm not running tonight either. NOT yay for that.

But even though I seriously hate the fact that I'm already switching my training plan around not even two days into starting it, I'm really happy that I now get to run Friday to make up for today. And that's something to look forward to!

Chloe hates the rain too

1 comment:

  1. I'm actually okay with the rain. I'm originally from Oregon so if you want to do any type of sport outside you kind of got to deal with it (even in the summer). It's rain AND super cold that gets me. I draw a line with that!


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