Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thankful Thursdays: Yep, I'm Jumping on the Bandwagon

A lot of bloggers have something along the lines of Thankful Thursdays and while I try to stay as original as possible, I can't pass up the oppotunity to take a moment and reflect on all of the things I'm grateful for. So, without further ado, I present the inaugural Thankful Thursdays post!

I'm thankful for my gym membership

The last week and a half has been very trying. Dealing with a running injury is always difficult, and being able to supplement that with other sweat-producing activities, is extremely comforting. I've only been a member of my new gym for a week and I already feel at home. I've hit up three spinning classes, the cardio room, and the pool twice. From now on I hope to incorporate more of this crosstraining into my training plans. As we approach the colder months I also know that there will be a few days when running outside just isn't an option. Yay for gym memberships!

I'm thankful for Sweetgreen

I've previously expressed by undying love for Sweetgreen and all of it's greeny goodness. I haven't visited in awhile, but this week it's made a comeback and I couldn't be happier. Thank you, Georgetown University students, who made this place possible.

I'm thankful that October is almost over

October has been a rough month no doubt, but I have good vibes for November. Not only is my body feeling better and better, but each day that passes means I am one day closer to hanging out with my awesome family. I've been super busy and have not had as much mom/sister phone time as I would have liked, but come marathon weekend we will all be together again and I can't freaking wait!

Literally my all time favorite family photo
I'm thankful for upset stomachs

During my 5 mile run Tuesday evening my stomach was acting up all kinds of crazy. Normally I would be cursing this feeling, however that evening I embraced it because, hey, I was running again! And sometimes running and upset stomachs go hand-in-hand, and there's something very familiar about that. And after more than a week off that old familiarity felt kind of good (crazy, I know).

I'm thankful for Trader Joe's Peanut Butter Oat Bars

These things, with all of their oatey, peanut buttery goodness, are freaking delicious. End of story.

Happiness in a box
 I'm thankful for being with someone with a sense of humor

Mike has always made me laugh. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with him. So even when he does something small, like taking a picture from my blog of me celebrating a pain-free 5 miles and turns it into a Subway ad, it makes me smile. It also kind of makes me want Subway. Clearly, I'm easy to market to.

Five dollar. Five dollar footlong.
I'm thankful to start running with Back on My Feet again tomorrow

I've missed the last three Fridays running with them because of Ragnar and then my injuries. I'm so, so excited to get back out there and run with these amazing people again!

What things are you thankful for?

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