Monday, October 24, 2011

Swim, Run, Spin

When Mike and I got back from our weekend bike trip, I was eager to head to the gym. Having not run for almost an entire week, I'm looking for every possible opportunity to get a burn that might serve as a substitute.


Let me preface this part about swimming by saying that I am NOT a swimmer. The last time I did any sort of lap swimming I was probably 9 or 10 years old. Not only did I have that challenge to deal with, but I also don't know how to breathe underwater through my nose. Yeah, you heard that right. I, a 25 year old person, don't know how to go underwater without holding my nose. Pathetic I know. Needless to say I was extremely nervous to hit the pool.

When we got home from our trip I was ready to head to the gym right away and get the swim over with! I started with a freestyle stroke and ended up swallowing most of the pool. I kept up the effort though. Breathe out the nose, Kristin! Breathe out! I switched to the back stroke a few hundred meters in before switching back to freestyle. In the end it was quite successful I think. I swam 1000 meters, which is not a completely wasted distance I don't think. The last 500 I started breathing a lot better and I didn't have to stop at the end of every length. I could really feel my legs burning too! I will totally be doing this at least once a week!


After the pool, Mike and I headed to the cardio area. He has been cleared by his doctor to start running again, albeit slowly. He did one mile on the treadmill. I was going to hit the elliptical, but the treadmill looked soooo good I just couldn't resist! I hopped on a began running a 10 min/mile pace. First impression after 6 days no running: no pain! However, less than a quarter mile in I began to feel some tightness in the calf and shin. Not a sharp pain like before, but it definitely didn't feel completely healed. I stopped after a mile. I didn't want to overdo it. I won't lie, I felt some pain afterwards, which later subsided, but then kicked back up again badly before bed. :(

I'm optimistic about my recovery. I'm pretty sure I have shin splints, since the pain is often in one or both legs and so far other non-running activities have not aggravated it. I can also recall on all my runs that the pain was worse at the beginning and began to lessen as I ran on. My internet research tells me this is also a sign of shin splints.


Ugh 5:30 am. Wake up!
In the meantime, I'm taking as much advantage as possible of the cross training options at my gym, including spinning. Last week I went to my first spin class ever last week and really enjoyed it. This morning I went for my second dose at 6:30 am followed by a 15 minute ab session. LOVE.

As far as my full return to running goes, after days of trying to get in to see a Sports Medicine specialist I was able to land an appointment for this afternoon. As long as he tells me I can run the marathon in four weeks I will be happy! Even if he tells me I have to take two more weeks off. We shall see...

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