Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Runner's Body Chop Shop

Don't worry. This isn't yet another post about Ragnar. I am done posting about all of it's incredible awesomeness. On to something new (-ish):

*Note: Please excuse my terrible excuse for a drawing.

Mike thought this picture was too graphic. Maybe I have been watching too much American Horror Story. Oh well, tis the season of Halloween!

Shop owner: Hello! Welcome to P.R.'s Chop Shop! What can I do for you today?

Kristin: I would like to place an order for two new calves please. One of each. Female model. 

Shop owner: Why I would be happy to help you with that ma'am. We're also having a special today: Two for the price of one - Muscle Recovery Enhancements. Only an additional $29.99!

Kristin: Sold, good sir! While you're at it would you mind checking to see if you have any Runner Ready Stomachs in the back? Mine has been acting up!

End scene

If only I could actually trade in my beat up calves for some fresh ones. Maybe I could trade with another runner who is taking a training hiatus!

The point of all of this is to express my discontent with the state of my body. Last night I went out with plans for a nice 6-mile recovery run. Four days since the relay and I was feeling great! Fully caught up on sleep. Mentally prepared. Too bad I had bricks wrapped around my calves, otherwise it might have actually been a good run. I decided to make a turn around at mile 2 and cut the run short, go home, stretch and ice. And just when my calves were feeling a little bit better my stomach started acting up. Can't a girl catch a break?! It got so bad that I had to walk the last half mile home. Super lame!

I'm sure that I'm pushing myself too much after last weekend. Running a 22 miler on Sunday probably isn't the best idea and I should probably just take it easy. So, I may decide to cut it short. I'm trying not to pay attention to the numbers this month (even though I'm a number fiend!). As I said in my October goals, this month is about listening to my body. Reaching a mileage number comes second. I need to make peace with the fact that I was short on miles last week as I prepared for the relay, and that I don't have to make them up this week.

What body part has been giving you the most running-related problems lately? Do you feel bad when you don't hit your mileage goal for the week?


  1. My left leg hates me! Since starting marathon training I have dealt with plantar fasciitis, pain on the top of my foot, and most recently a shin splint. All in the one leg! I have been trying to listen to my body and recover, but not running is hard! Especially when I see my 40-mile weeks and 20 mile Sundays slipping away...but what must be done, must be done. It's such a shame when the rest of your body is primed to run and one part of you disagrees...but never fear! Training will continue! (Post-shin splint).

  2. My left shin is always hurting after a run. It never hurts during, just after. I've been icing it with frozen green beans all week and it just won't stop!

    If I can't get up to the mileage I want, then I just make sure to do extra cross-training.

    Don't you wish there was a product that you could just rub onto your legs and it would fix everything? Icy-hot needs some advancement.

  3. My frozen veggie of choice are peas! I have two bags: one named left calf and the other named right calf haha


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