Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New Season, New Rules

Now that it is officially fall (both calendar-wise and weather-wise) there are some new rules that need to be remembered when it comes to running. Maybe "new" is the wrong word. More like "rules you forgot because it has been hot as heck for the past 5 months and you haven't needed to do these things since March."

The summer has it's own host of rules:
  • Wear moisture wicking clothing
  • Drink lots of water (LOTS!)
  • Run early or late to beat the heat
  • Wear sunscreen and a hat to protect from the sun
Etc. Etc. Not to say that these rules don't apply to other seasons, but they are certainly more necessary during the summer than other months.

Which brings me to the fall/winter running rules. Like I said, these aren't new rules, just rules I (and maybe you too) have forgotten about because it's been awhile.

1. Runderwear

Aka running underwear. You see, during the summer months running bottoms tend to consist of either shorts or skirts. Both of these usually have built-in underwear. To me, this makes the most sense of anything I've ever heard. One less thing to worry about! When I do have to worry, however, is when this cold weather rolls around and suddenly wearing shorts just isn't the thing to do anymore. Enter: crops or running pants. Also enter: no built-in underwear in said crops or running pants. What does this mean? This means that after a summer of being spoiled by built-in undies I forget to pack runderwear in my gym bag and I end up running 9 miles after work with a wedgie. And what's the difference between runderwear and regular underwear? Runderwear stay put! My go-to for these has been Lululemon (as it is for most of my running wears).

2. Don't Forget to Reflect

No, not on life! On your clothing silly! Pretty soon it will be getting darker earlier (can you say end of Daylight Saving Time November 6th?) and that means 4 pm may as well be midnight. And for many of us 9-5ers this means that unless we sweat in out during lunch we will be running in the dark. Enter: reflective gear. During a 5 am summer run in the dark there probably won't be too many cars to run you over. But during a 5 pm fall run in the dark? Oh you betcha. Shine on runners!

3. Layer up

While running in as little fabric as possible during the summer months feels great, I do love a good shopping opportunity. Enter: cold weather running clothing!

Colder weather = more layers = more pretty things to buy = happy Kristin = sad bank account.

Funniness aside, there are a few things you might want to consider adding to your closet for cooler temperatures out of need and not just want. Things to consider are running gloves, hat or ear warmer, scarf, and a windbreaking jacket. It's always good to keep moisture wicking layers on underneath, but investing in some good outer protection will help make your run that much more delightful.
I ran most of last winter in this delicious item
4. Compression pants

This last one isn't necessarily a must-have for all runners, but I'm thinking that I would personally like to invest in a pair. I've had a long standing love for compression socks since I discovered them in the spring and it saddens me to think that with cooler weather and the departure of "shorts" season that I have to say goodbye to these lovelies as well. I could wear my compression socks under my crops or pants, but frankly I'm just not that cool. Compression pants it is!

Can anyone recommend a particular brand that they like? (And maybe ones that I don't have to spend 25 minutes squeezing my entire lower half into)

Got any other recommendations for running during the fall/winter?

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