Sunday, September 18, 2011

I Rocked, I Rolled, I Ran: RnR Philly Half Recap

Though I had already lined up some goals for this race, they weren't really that specific and yesterday, leading up to the race, it was making me feel uneasy. I like goals. Actually, I love goals. The more specific, the better. I'm a planner by nature and planning out the exact logistics of meeting my goals delights the heck out of me. So yesterday I decided I needed to outline some more specific goals for the Rock 'n' Roll Philly Half Marathon beyond just beating my last time and getting under 2 hours (which is basically the same goal because my last time was 2:01:17).

Not only were my goals not very specific, but they also weren't challenging enough for me, which was the other issue. I knew I'd have no problem getting a sub-2 hour half and setting a new PR. I wasn't worried about it in the slightest. This is the first race I wasn't even nervous for, which was freaking me out. Sometimes that nervous energy is a good thing as it spurs you onward.

At the same time with all of these thoughts going on in my head, I knew I also didn't want to completely burn myself out with this race. This race is really just a training race for the marathon in November. I only took 48 hours rest before it. I didn't taper at all. In fact, I ran 10% more mileage this week than last week. I planned to use this race as my Sunday long run and try to gauge where my speed was, but I didn't want to run it like it was the "big" one.

The new goals that I decided to add were:
  • Average at least an 8:45 pace
  • If possible, start with an 8:45-ish pace and speed up to an 8:30 pace for the second half of the race
The biggest goal here was to get speedier rather than slower as time went on. At least in my mind, it's much better to start slower and speed up, than to start out too fast and have to slow down. Finishing faster than you started is a big confidence booster as well, since you are pushing your body harder even though it's getting more exhausted. 

Okay, on to the race recap finally!

Mike and I
One of the best things about this race was that it was so close to our apartment. We left around 7 am, getting to the event area around 7:20. Plenty of time before the 8 am start. The weather was perfect, around 55 degrees. It was definitely chilly to be standing around in shorts and a tank, but previous racing experience has taught me that 55 degrees and a slight breeze is just about the best weather you could possibly ask for to race in!

Caitlin and Benny
My sister Caitlin and her boyfriend Benny came over from NYC for the race. Since Mike was unable to run because of his heal spur (sad face), Benny took his bib so it wouldn't go to waste.

The line
First order of business: porta potties! My one huge complaint about this race was the lack of restrooms. How do you expect 30 porta potties to be enough for 15,000 people? I would bet that at least 75% of runners use the facilities before a race. I, for one, go at least 3 times at home and once or twice when I arrive. So, dear race directors: you can never have TOO many porta potties!

This my "I have to pee and I'm cold and the race is going to start soon!" face
By the time I had "relieved" myself, the gun for the first few corrals had already gone off. I wasn't too worried though. The nice thing about a corral start and a time chip is that you can pretty much jump in anywhere if you're running late. I was supposed to be in corral 8, but ended up at the front of corral 10. There were a lot of other people who had had earlier corral starts that were also coming in late, and for some reason they decided they rather be at the back of corral 9 than the start of corral 10. That makes no sense to me. I'd always rather be at the start of a corral than the back of one, even if I'm with a slower group. 

When the gun went off for corral 10 I hit the ground running! A quarter mile in my Garmin was showing a 7:55 pace. "Reel it in girl! Don't go too crazy!" I soon settled into an 8:40-ish pace. It felt comfortable and I was really enjoying the run so far. The first 4.5 miles were through the city and the last chunk was a loop around the river. The loop I am all too familiar with, but running through the city on the streets instead of the sidewalk was a new experience. 

It was slightly frustrating at the turns since everyone was slowing down, but otherwise the crowd was moving pretty consistently and it was spread out pretty good. I had no problems passing other people. 

When I was only a half mile in I saw the first of the elite runners coming back down the parkway. They started earlier, but they still had only been running some 20 or less minutes and were past mile 4. It was like watching a pack of gazelles on the African savannah. Crazy!

Benny under the yellow arrow
Since Mike couldn't run, and he didn't want to sit around for two hours and wait for me, he decided to bring his bike and track me during the race. I spotted him about 2 miles in by Independence Hall. He stuck with me for awhile, calling my mom to give her updates about my status. Not only was it great having him there for moral support, but he also took a crap load of pictures! I think I have more pictures of me running this race than any other!

Look at that midfoot strike - brilliant!
Crowd of runners heading toward the river loop
Mike lost me as we passed back through the Parkway and headed to the river loop. At that point we only had about 8 miles left. 8 miles? That's like a Tuesday evening run! No prob!

You could say I was a little bored with this part of the run, because I've run the river loop so many times on my own. At the same time, however, there is a different feel during the actual race. As well, it was nice knowing exactly what to expect. I knew when there was little hill that I'd need to slow down for. I knew when there was a downhill where I could pick up the pace. And I knew all of the mile splits without having to search the race signage.

I walked through two water stops (one was cytomax actually - quite good!) and ate my 100 calorie fig newton around 55 minutes. It was part of my plan to walk through the water stops and it ended up working really well. I didn't feel like I had to push it harder afterwards to make up for time. I just felt re-energized after 5 seconds of walking and was naturally able to pick up the pace. The fig newton was great too. No GI issues! Awesome!

For the first half of the river loop I was hitting about an 8:30 pace. I was right in line with my revised goals. When we reached Falls Bridge for the turn around to the other side of the river I was a little nervous. I traditionally never have good runs on that side of the river, so I knew I had to get over that mental blockage and just destroy it!

I started clocking an 8:20-ish pace once I hit the other side of the river. I really just wanted to get it over with. The last mile was pretty rough. It probably wouldn't have been had it been on another part of the path, but the last mile was on this stretch that I like to call the "death part." It's right on the highway. There are no trees. It's just bland. Also, everytime I run there it seems to be 100 degrees and I forgot my hat. Yuck!

Mike's presence was really instrumental during this last mile. He was biking right next to road, offering encouraging words and spurring me forward. I was pushing the pace even more, seeing 8:09 on my Garmin. Unfortunately the crowds starting blocking the bike path, so Mike couldn't stay with me the last 0.4 miles, but he gave me what I needed.

Final stats: 13.1 miles, 1:52:31, 8:35 pace

A new PR by almost 9 full minutes in less than 4 months! Rock on!

I not only met all of my goals, but exceeded them. 9 weeks until the marathon and I'm feeling good! And, as for the race itself, other than the lack of restrooms, these guys throw an awesome race! Plenty of support. Plenty of entertainment! I will be back!

P.S. My sister took lots of pics also, including some of me finishing, which I will post as soon as she sends them!

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