Sunday, September 11, 2011

Stress-Free Sunday

After my little freak out yesterday and my subsequent calming bike ride I ended up not running the rest of the day. Surprisingly I was really okay with that decision. After cleaning my apartment top to bottom (and feeling MUCH better afterwards) I hit the hay and slept in this morning. No rush.

Dorked up and ready to run!
I headed out for my 15 miles around 9:30 am. Going into this run I had a goal of averaging a 9:15 pace, which is faster than I usually do my long runs, but after 20 miles last Sunday 15 seemed like a piece of cake! I hit my goal pace for the first 5 miles then sped up to an 8:50ish pace for miles 5-9. The temperature was in the low 70s and there was a light, misty rain in the air. It was so refreshing. I ate a 100 calorie Fig Newton about an hour in. No stomach ache!!

Then, after mile 9, I fell into a 9:30 pace slump on West River Drive. I don't mind biking on that road, but for running I find it sooo boring. It's just road and trees and river. The other side is much more interesting. Luckily Mike was out cycling and he happened upon me when I was struggling. He paced me for 2 or so miles before heading home. It was a huge help having him there to keep my mind of something other than how bored I was with the scenery!

In action, courtesy of Mike on his bike
I started to hit my stride again as I left West River Drive, but unfortunately the terrain started being uncooperative. I had remembered that there was one massive hill on my course map, but I forgot about the other one right afterwards! Oopsie!

Final Stats: 15.07 miles, 2:19:46, 9:16 pace

It's not my 9:15, but I'll take it! I'm really glad I didn't run Saturday. I think my calves really needed the rest day!

Now, it's time to curl up with my Middle Egyptian textbook and memorize some hieroglyphs! Yippee!

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