Monday, September 12, 2011

A Sweaty Start To The Week

Monday was a bit crazy, but getting through it was a real confidence booster for the week! I started with a 5 mile recovery run before work. I got up at 5:30 am, ready to go, but it was still way too dark out (hello Fall!). Mike really doesn't like when I run in the dark and I'm not crazy about it either, so I decided to make my lunch and get that over with while I waited for the sun to wake up.

I finally got out the door at 6:10 am and did, what has to be, the slowest 5 miles I've ever done. It took me more than 55 minutes and a 10:44 pace. Wow. Well, it was supposed to be recovery from Sunday's long run, so I guess it's okay. In fact, it was probably exactly what my body needed.

Next, it was off to work for a busy day! With the school year starting, and being that I work at a university, it is much busier than the summer. My phone was ringing off the hook. Immediately following work I had an 1.5 hour class on campus. I know I have been complaining a little about how stressed the addition of class is making me, but I honestly love being a grad student and going to classes. Learning is COOL!

Normally I would have just gone home after class and relaxed, ate dinner, did homework, etc, but I wasn't going to let myself off that easy! I signed up for boxing to make up for missing Saturday. I biked the 8 miles there, sweat buckets for an hour punching bags until my arms felt like they were going to fall off, and biked the 8 miles home.

I was pretty exhausted by the time I walked in the door, but thankfully I have the best fiance ever and he made me dinner complete with massive amounts of broccoli!

A great day to start the week! So great that I think I'll do the same next Monday too!

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