Friday, September 23, 2011

Back on My Feet Fridays!

This morning, bright and early at 5:30 am, I joined my first Back on My Feet group run. Back on My Feet is a fantastic organization with which I have already been able to work with on two previous occasions.

Their goal is to promote self-sufficiency for those who have experienced homelessness and are on the road to recovery. They currently operate in seven cities (their eighth in Atlanta will open later this year) and have six teams in Philadelphia. Each team works with a different local shelter and residents meet for weekday morning runs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in addition to some evening and weekend runs. Resident and non-resident (ie. me) members run together and many train for and run races. Running is a huge confidence builder, which is a big part of the reason this program is so successful. After proving a commitment of at least 30 days to the running program residents become eligible for financial assistance from BoMF for education, job training, and other things that will help them to become self-sufficient.

My first experience with BoMF was earlier this June when I fund-raced for them for the Baltimore 10-miler. They were really supportive of my fund raising efforts and I could tell right away that these were people I wanted to do other things with in the future.

Then, in July, I ran the 20in24 Midnight Madness, which raised money for BoMF. Many res and non-res members also ran the race. One res member even completed 60 miles in the Lone Ranger Ultra Marathon!

I have wanted to become a volunteer runner with them for awhile, but I wasn't quite sure when to fit it in. But, I finally figured there's no better time than now. What's one more thing on my plate, eh? Plus, it's not like it interferes with my normal waking hours.

Though getting up at 4:50 am this morning was a shock to my system, by the time I got going and ran the 1 mile to the meet up location I felt awake and alert. I was really nervous about going. I tend to be very shy in social situations, especially new ones, so I'm really glad I got myself out there. I ended up running 4 miles with a res member who had also just run the RnR Philly Half on Sunday. We chatted about running and injuries and goals. It felt really good. I can't wait to go back next week and make more running friends! I hope that at some point I can become even more involved whether it's participating in Saturday long runs or going to their social events like picnics and Phillies games. For now though at least, every Friday will be Back on My Feet Friday!


  1. Totally awesome! That sounds like a great organization. (Were they profiled in Runner's World a couple of years ago? The group sounds familiar...)

  2. Yes, they were in Runner's World at one point apparently, but I didn't happen to find them until I saw them featured on the Baltimore 10 Miler website. Other people in my orientation said they had read that article though.


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