Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 2012 in Review

Happy Leap Day everyone!

When I was feeling down this weekend about not being able to run I took my frustration out...on my injured leg. Then on Monday I noticed that a different part of my shin bone was hurting and I realized that I had a lovely bruise right where my fist went to town. Good job Kristin! Clearly I know how to win at life.

Regarding my injury, I have a doctor's appointment on Monday. It was the earliest I could get into see him when I called 2 weeks ago. Honestly I thought I'd be better by then, but looks like I won't be, so I still plan on going.

The pain is lessening each day, but I find it hurts the most when I get up in the morning. Some things I've read online tell me that is a tell tale sign that it is shin splints and not a stress fracture and others tell me the exact opposite.

Have you ever had shin splints or a stress fracture? Which tends to hurt more in the morning and dissipate throughout the day? 

But on to business:

Mileage Recap

A year ago - February 2011: 75.69
Last month - January 2012: 181.21
This month - February 2012: 86.84

Boo injuries!

It's interesting that last February I accrued about 75 miles in 17 runs and this month I accrued almost 87 miles in only 8 runs.

I was supposed to hit 200 this month. Oh well, I guess 200 mpm is the new 31 mpw. I'll get there someday. Patience, patience.

What went well

February wasn't all bad. In fact the one race I did went really well! I PR'd and ended up finishing 8th woman. Not too shabby.

I reflected on all of the progress I made in only a year.

I also got my butt back into cross training and got back on the foam rolling train.

What didn't go well

Well, obviously the big thing that didn't go well was that I got injured after my 50k. I don't blame that race nor would I go back and change anything about that day. I blame everything leading up to it. I was clearly having a rough week right before it and didn't back off when I should have.

Losing, what has now been, more than two weeks of running is extremely challenging mentally, emotionally, and physically, but good things come out of injuries, like better self-awareness about my body.

March 2012 Goals

In order:

1) Heal
2) Run

I originally had two races scheduled for March: the Rock 'n' Roll USA Half on 3/17 and the HAT 50k on 3/24. I have already emailed the HAT to tell them I won't be running. As of now I still plan on running the half marathon, but I think 31 miles the following weekend would not be the best idea, at least not in a "racing" situation when I might push too far. I would be much more upset about backing out had I not already run two 50ks this year. I learned a lot from both of those races and I think I will be okay not doing another one before the 50-miler.

I WILL continue to cross train with at least one day at the pool and one spin class a week. No excuses!! I will also stretch, foam roll, and ice every night. I swear, I swear, I swear!


  1. Boo injuries, I agree! Too bad about HAT but I certainly understand, why risk it, especially with the half in there as well! Hope you get some answers.

  2. I had a horrible, horrible shin splint 18 months ago. (bad enough that after a few weeks I got some x-rays... which clearly, were clear!)
    My shin splint hurt like HELL. It was much worse in the morning, would loosen up a little thru the day and was literally impossible to run on. And I'm tough... It took close to a month before I could even hobble around again! BUT- you're doing the right thing by backing way off. I ran on it, hardcore, for much too long before taking time off...


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