Monday, February 20, 2012

Superwoman I Am Not

I really want to be able to do it all:

- Work 40 hours a week
- Go to graduate school
- Get all of my homework and studying done
- Finish planning my wedding
- Run 50-60 miles a week
- Cross train
- Eat right
- Get enough sleep
- Clean my apartment
- Stop and smell the flowers
- AND run awesome races once or twice a month.


That would be awesome. Sadly though, I can't do it all. I'm not superwoman, even if I put up the pretense that I am. The problem with trying to do it all is that you end up not doing any one of those things extremely well. They all end up being kind of half-assed and quality begins to count for less.

The first few days off after an injury are never that bad. You take up some more cross training and suddenly you have all of this free time to do other things. And then you reach a new point where, after a few days, you realize you don't feel better. Maybe you even feel worse. And things start to look bleak.

I'm at that point with my injury where it's just become depressing and frustrating. I thought I felt better yesterday and tried to run. After a half mile I broke down crying. The pain was so terrible. It felt even worse than it did last week.

So I guess I'll just be here waiting. Spinning, swimming, and waiting. 


  1. patience is so hard to have when you are so used to just go out the door whenever. But it will all heal up soon just wait it out and then you will be ready to rock!

  2. Dude, I am so sorry. And I have so been there. You will get better! I promise! It's just the time that's so hard to deal with, but you will do it! And we will have many awesome runs/races together when I get home, k? Feel better! Also, I now have internet at home in Dakar, so for the next three weeks we may actually be able to skype in the evenings! I love you so much! Be well!


  3. I know exactly what you mean. But (hard as it is) you need to listen to your body and let it recover. In a couple of weeks you'll be good as new and you'll forget all about how much the down-time sucked. ;)

  4. Sorry to hear about your injury. I know how much it sucks. Feel free to feel down for a days (pity partys are fun), but then embrace the recovery time- cross train as you said, strengthen, eat well etc. So you come back stronger and happier :)

  5. I know it is awful to be held back by something so frustrating! I am the author of a Blog called "OMG are You Superwoman?" (
    and would love to interview you for the blog. When you are feeling better of course. Let me know when you have a moment, You are amazing and I want to share your strength with the world :0)


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