Friday, February 17, 2012

Forced Hiatus

Pop quiz: What happens when you run a 50k when you've already been having shin splints and other left leg issues?

Answer: When you try to run two days later you find you can't, because your left leg has decided to take a hiatus from running.

Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely upset not to be running this week (like seriously extremely upset), but there are three things that are making it not so bad:

1) I just ran an awesome race.

2) I had an exceptionally large amount of homework this week. If I hadn't been forced to stop running, I surely would have sacrificed a bit of studying in favor of miles. And, let's face it, that's probably not the best idea.

Running is great. Translating this lovely stela for my midterm? Probably better.

3) Mike and I are leaving for a long weekend in the Poconos to celebrate our anniversary, which means I will probably be doing many other things, like skiing and shopping and relaxing, and won't mind not running. Luckily these injuries keep falling around weekend trips when running would have been difficult/bothersome to fit in.

Kristin's recipe for quick healing:


2) Anti-inflammatory

3) Cross Training: What's better than running? Nothing. Nothing is better than running (I may be slightly biased). But that doesn't mean I'm going to sit on my ass all week because I can't put one foot in front of the other on the pavement. Plus, it's healthy to workout some other muscles.

In dire need for some sweat and a caloric burn the size of Manhattan, I hit up a spin class and the pool this morning. You know I'm injured when I go to spin class. I hate spin.

I heart exercise-induced sweat

4) Ice Bath: This is something new I'm trying out. Coincidentally Claire wrote a how-to post for ice baths the other day and it convinced me to give it a go.

The obligatory "I'm badass/a little crazy/hardcore" ice bath photo. Also, these things are good for healing too. Go figure!
I followed Claire's instructions to a T, including the hot cup of tea. That was seriously a great idea.

Hopefully I'll be back in action soon. Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Sounds like you're doing the right thing (even if not-running sort of sucks). You'll bounce back sooner than you know!


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