Friday, February 10, 2012

Mid-Maryland 50k: Goals

Has it been 5 weeks since that last race already? Wow time flies. This Saturday I will be running the Mid-Maryland 50k put on by the Bullseye Running Club in Maryland. It's toted as being a "tame trail run, good for beginners or someone looking to run a fast 50k." I like the sound of that!

The course is 5 10k loops. I don't know much more about it than that. I found an elevation profile somewhere random online from someone's Garmin and it didn't look too bad. There will be one aid station with the usual pretzels, PB&J, gels, etc. 

The way I see it, I will either love the loop or curse it's very existance and die a little bit inside each time I have to run it. Optimism is the name of the game.

10k loops on the red line
As for weather, it's not looking great, but at least it's not like two weeks ago.

You know what's awesome about blogging? Having your very own written words to look back on at a later point in time. This can be quite helpful. After my trying first 50k in January I wrote a post about what I learned and what I needed to work on before my next attempt:

1. Train on trails - check
2. Spend less time at aid stations - good reminder, will do!
3. Don't bring lots of stuff when aid stations are numerous - aid station every 6 miles, packing light!
4. If you have to walk, power walk - good reminder, will do!
5. Race on more trails - that's exactly what I'll be doing. Hoorah!

I should do this after every race. It's super helpful!

On to some goals:

Goal #1: To not look like this

Goal #2: Finish

Considering I nearly had a mental breakdown halfway through the last 50k I think I still need to state this as a definitive goal.

Goal #3: PR

As in something under the 7 hours and 21 minutes it took me last time. Granted last time wasn't a real timed race, but even more reason to work hard and get an officially timed one in the books that I'm happy with. Last time I feel like I didn't "race". I just "experienced (died)." This time I want to race!

Goal #4: Follow reminders 2 and 4 (above)

I'm gonna be a speed walking, fly so fast through an aid station you can't even see me, racing fiend!

Now it's time to sit back and try not to let my nerves take over for the next 24 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck!! The loops might not be too bad because you can count down from 5 instead of worrying about the actual mileage. Can't wait to hear how it goes!


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