Sunday, February 26, 2012

"So That's Like Your Life"

From a discussion with a co-worker this week:

"So, how often do you run?"

"Typically Tuesdays - Thurdays with a double run on Wednesdays and then 3-4 hours on Saturdays and 2-3 on Sundays."

" that's like your life then?"

"Uhh yeah, I guess it is."

I did pretty good this week with the whole no running thing. I swam a lot, hit up a few spin classes, tried pool running (awesome by the way!) and all the while my leg was feeling better and better. I'd say it's about 85% healed. Then the busy weekdays full of work and school went away and Saturday morning showed up.

I have been in a super crappy mood all weekend. I had huge intentions to go to yoga and a power hour spin class, but I ended up being so upset that I skipped it all and sat home and sulked. I honestly didn't know what to do with myself. And why was a feeling like this?? Well, what have a done every weekend for the past 15 months? A long run. What could I not do this weekend? A long run, or any run for that matter. Problem identified!

The thing about my co-worker's comment is that it's 100% true. Running is a huge, massive part of my life and I absolutely love that it is.

I don't mind giving up my weekend for several hours of running.

I don't mind that I spend more money on running clothes than real life clothes.

More often found in Lululemon than jeans

I don't mind zoning out on the couch in yoga pants with Mike following a long run and watching movies for the rest of the day.

I don't mind the fact that my collection of running shoes is starting to rival the number of ballet flats that I own.

I don't mind that I plan the rest of my life around my training runs and races.

I don't mind having a resident ice pack in my office freezer and several more taking up space at home.

I don't mind that I have a pair of compression sleeves on under almost everything I wear.

I don't mind almost always being in a constant state of "I could use a shower."

I don't mind that my bank account sees most of it's purchases from race registrations and sporting good stores.

I don't mind running in the freezing cold or the heat of summer and getting up before dawn to do so.

I don't mind the fact that I've abandoned regular novels for magazines and books about running and that my nightstand looks like a one stop shop for foot care.

I don't mind when my co-workers look at me funny when they ask me what I'm doing this weekend and I say "running" every single time.

I don't mind using my vacation days for relays and race recovery instead of actual vacations. 

I don't mind not getting pedicures because my nails are too short.

I don't mind missing a happy hour (or all of them) because I have a training run scheduled. 

I don't mind bad training runs or bad races...

...because they all won't be bad

I wouldn't trade any of those things for anything. I just love to run.


  1. You inspire me to run. You are amazing, and you will be better soon! Hang in there, sis, I am wishing you all the best running luck I have! I miss you and love you and I can't wait to get out there and run with you in 10 weeks!

  2. I loved the line "I don't mind that I spend more money on running clothes than real life clothes."
    Yep. Me too.

    Hang in there. You'll be 100% better SOON.

  3. I am headed on "vacation" this week to go run the New Orleans Rock and Roll Half! :)

    1. Good luck Sally! We will have to resume some Sunday runs when you come back!


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