Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Shut Up And Get In the Pool

Confession: I haven't been to the pool since before Christmas.

This is a bad thing. Swimming is good for me. That sweet chlorinated liquid soothes all of my sore muscles, stretches me out, and rocks a pretty decent calorie burn at the same time.

It's really not that hard. Why can I make time to run 20 miles with no problem, but the thought of biking 1.5 miles to the gym and getting up a little earlier makes me want to puke? I'll tell you why - because when I run all I need to do is step out the door. If only I could turn the street outside my bedroom window into a lap pool and I wouldn't have any of these issues. Le sigh...#realpeopleproblems.

I finally got fed up with myself this weekend and made a plan to hit the pool once if not twice over the next 5 days. Commence motivational alarm:

I also had everything packed up and ready to go the night before. This is a super good thing to do if you are someone who has trouble getting up in the morning to workout. So much easier when you can literally roll out of bed and into your pre-planned outfit.

So off I went this morning to the pool and it felt fantastic. I probably swallowed about liter of pool water, but oh well. If that's what it takes. Hopefully it loosened me up enough that my run this afternoon is semi-enjoyable!

What sort of cross training do you do?


  1. hahaha i do the same thing with my alarm! makes you feel like you really cant dismiss. good job getting to the pool, im going once a week for now as well. (and yes, putting the stuff out the night before makes me feel like an ass if i end up skipping and seeing it when i wake up)

  2. Hot yoga is my main form of cross-training. I also try to bike once or twice a week. I LOVE swimming but don't have a gym membership right now so have been slacking on that front.

    1. I have been meaning (and completely failing) to do hto yoga. I used to be really into it a couple of years ago, but sort of fell off th wagon. Shame, because it's so good for you!

  3. I've got the same lack-of-motivation problem with swimming. I know I love it, but running is so much quicker! Right out the door. Swimming involves driving, and earplugs, and then drying off, and more driving... I used to be so good! Maybe reading about your swims will get me motivated again. :)


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