Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Difference a Year Makes: From 5k to 50k

You could say a year is a long time. Four seasons. Twelve months. 365 24-hour days. Yup, a long time.

Exactly a year ago from this past Saturday, on February 12, 2011, I ran my first race ever: The Cupid's Chase 5k.

At that point I had only been running for about 5 months and was in training for my first half marathon. My friend Julia convinced me to sign up for the 5k to get race experience. I really didn't think it would be a big deal. My long run the previous weekend was 6.5 miles. A 5k would be a piece of cake right?

I remember the race was very unorganized and we stood in the freezing cold for a long time at packet pick up, the line barely moving. When I finally got up to the table they handed me my bib and an XL race shirt. "Sorry, that's all we got left." Great. Can't even get a properly fitting shirt for my first race ever.

Around 10 am the few hundred or so runners gathered at the start line. Snow was piled up on the side of the bike path and was spilling onto the course. The sound to start went off and everyone rushed forward. There was so much jostling around and elbowing to get space. We were like cattle rushing out of a barn.

After about a mile or so it began to thin out. My breath was strained. It felt like forever and we weren't even at the turn around yet. Finally I saw the orange cone signaling the halfway mark. "It's about freaking time, man!" The way back seemed just as long, but at least I wasn't elbowing anybody for space anymore. I saw my friend Julia up ahead and decided to try my best to catch up to her by the finish line. I sprinted with all my little might and crossed the tape. A volunteer tore the bottom part of my bib off, tacked it to a board, and logged my time: 29:00 minutes even.

I was disappointed I didn't do better. I was shocked at how difficult I found racing to be. How could I ever possibly expect myself to run a half marathon three and half months later?

It wasn't until two races after that, during an 8k in April, that I finally learned how to race, how to pace myself, and how to enjoy the experience. It was a major breakthrough for me, feeling like I could turn it out on race day when I wanted to.

Soon after that day I would pick up Ultramarathon Man and decide that doing ultras was something that interested me. But I knew that it would be at least a year before I could even attempt something like that. A year seemed so long.

Exactly a year later, four seasons, twelve months, 365 24-hour days, I ran another race, except this time I added a zero on after the 5. From 5k to 50k in a year. Really, anything is possible so long as you have enough patience and determination.

And clearly I need to get new detergent for my whites


  1. Look how far you've come! This post is just awesome in so many ways and you had a heck of a year and I'm sure this year will be even more exciting!

  2. 5k to 50k in a year is QUITE an accomplishment! Nice work! :-)


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