Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 2012 in Review

Man these months are just flying by! I suppose it helps that it hasn't actually felt too much like winter around here. Usually we'd be knee deep in snow, ice, and sub 20 degree temperatures.

Before I go on I have to show you the most amazing thing that arrived in my mailbox yesterday afternoon:

My Aspaeris Pivot Shorts!!
I've been wanting a pair of these bad boys for awhile, but didn't make the plunge until last week when they were offering 50% off. My first thought when I got them: "No way these baby sized shorts are gonna fit over my thunder thighs!" But low and behold they fit and I was in love with them as soon as I put them on.

The complete compression after-work outfit - Mike is such a lucky guy getting to come home to this
Their amazing sale is still going on through the end of TODAY only. I already ordered a second pair. If you want to catch this deal visit the Aspaeris website and enter code "cooleronline" at checkout.

Now onto the recap!

Mileage Recap

A year ago - January 2011: 66.62
Last month - December 2011: 192.34
This month - January 2012: 181.21

I knew going into January that it would be a slight cutback month thanks to some race tapering. I'm pretty please with that number. Especially considering the difference from a year ago!

What went well

I ran my first ultra and my first trail race and learned A LOT!

In the wake of that race I made changes to my training plan to make it more hardcore.

I hit a huge milestone when I broke through a sub-7 mile in my speed workout. Never ever thought I could do that.

I surprised myself when I made it through my first 60 mile week relatively unscathed and got some trail running done in the process.

What didn't go well

Mother nature kept me from my half marathon, which I actually felt ready to PR in.

I did not get in any cross training whatsoever this month despite the goals I set to do so at the end of December.

I still have a lot of work to do in terms of training on trails. It's easy for me to get discouraged, but I'm trying to push through and find some positivity in it!

February 2012 goals

February is supposed to be a higher mileage month. I should easily be hitting the 200 mark, which I've never done before.

I have another 50k trail race on February 11th, in which I hope to PR and which I hope will boost my confidence on the trails.

I want to run more with friends! It is so much better to run with someone, especially if you're going long.

In addition to all the crazy mileage I'll be doing this month, Mike and I have a pretty packed calendar of events including our 5 year anniversary trip over President's Day weekend and my Dad's 60th birthday party at the end of the month.

Should be interesting to see if I can juggle it all!

What are your goals for February?


  1. That was a jam packed month and sounds like February will be jam packed as well. I have been thinking about getting a pair of those shorts, didn't realize that code expired today...hmmm...

  2. I've been tempted by those oh so sexy shprts for a few days now... Tempting!
    Wish we lived closer because I'd totally be your long run buddy. Booo...
    Good luck on your 200 mile month- that is seriously intense!

  3. 8-10 miles the next 3 Sundays is my Feb goal!


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