Friday, January 20, 2012

Manhattan Half: Goals

Sometime in November or December I made the spontaneous descision to register for the Manhattan Half which is (suprise!) tomorrow. I really wanted to put my name in for the NYC Half, but instead I signed up for the Rock 'n' Roll USA the day before. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be super hardcore and run two half marathons in one weekend, but I'm not that cool (not yet anyway).

Before we get into goals, let's talk about the weather:


More awesomeeeeee
Of course it hasn't snowed all winter (except for the random day in October...what the hell still?) and it chooses this weekend to start. Excellenttttttttt.

I should also mention that to save money Mike and I decided we would drive to the race tomorrow morning from Philly. So I need to get up at 3 am, drive 2 hours into the city in the snow, get to the NYRR offices at 6:30 am to get my bib and then drive and park on the other side of Central Park to get to the start line by 8 am. Good planning Kristin. Hopefully I will arrive way too early and have to wait around for a while until the start. I much prefer that than the other way around!

Okay, now onto some goals. My last half marathon was the Rock 'n' Roll Philly Half in September. I ended up setting a 9 minute PR and negative splitting the entire race. It was pretty sweet.

Knowing that I would just be coming off from running a 50k two weeks before, I really never intended to "race" this half when I signed up for it. Today, I'm still not sure (now based on the weather forecast) if I want to "race" it. What I do know though, is that I feel absolutely fantastic recovery-wise!

Looking at the week leading up to the Rock 'n' Roll race in September I put in 6 straight days of running and over 30 miles before race day. This week I've only put in 18 miles and 3 days of running. On top of that my training runs have been faster than those in September. Translation: I could probably PR this race if I wanted too.

That said there are a lot of things that could prevent a nice PR such as:
  • The 90% chance of wintery mix headed my way
  • The notorious Central Park hills that I will have to contend with for two (count 'em two) loops of the park
  • And the usual stomach/digestion issues that are always a race-day fear

I probably won't make a final call on whether to "race" or not until tomorrow morning at the start line. In any event, here are my tiered time goals:

A) Sub-2 (whether I "race" or not)
B) Sub 1:55
C) Beat my current PR of 1:52:31

My general goal no matter what is to run negative splits. Those are the best kind of splits after all :)

And lastly, today is Chloe's, my BFF for life, birthday! She is 9 years old, but still acts like a puppy. Happy Birthday Chloe!


  1. Have fun at the half, hopefully the weather won't be a factor!

  2. I hope you're having fun out there! (And aren't slipping and sliding too much in that winter weather.)


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