Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Every week I have planned mileage to run and every week I usually do said mileage on the day prescribed. And then there are weekends like this past weekend, when it decided to snow and ruin my race and throw all of my plans in the shitter.

Despite my best intentions I did not get out on Saturday to run my 13.1. The roads looked terrible and I was betting the bike paths were no better. I decided to save my miles for Sunday, which I had a separate 13 miles scheduled for. A 26 mile weekend is more fun if you do it all in one day, right?

I seriously had the intention to do it that way. If I didn't race on Saturday I should at least challenge myself by running a marathon the next day. Unfortunately the roads were still pretty bad and I refuse to run on the treadmill. The mental anguish of it would certainly kill me.

It looks pretty, but it's no fun to run in I assure you
I ran 4.5 in the morning. It was supposed to be more, but the nicely cleared bike path wasn't as nicely cleared up near Boathouse Row. In fact it was straight up scary black ice. No thanks. I think I'll stay uninjured thank you very much.

The only good 1 mile stretch of bike path in the morning
A few hours later I met up with Sally from my Ragnar Team. Thanks to a few more degrees and several more runners warming up the ground, the black ice was gone and we were able to get a lot more traction than I had only a few hours earlier. I ran part of the run in the snow when the path did get icy again. Man did that make my legs sore! Guess I don't need to feel bad about not getting out to the trails this weekend. I had muscles sore that I didn't even know existed!

All in all I ended up with 13.4 miles on Sunday, squarely making up for Saturday's half. Never one to miss out on my mileage (seriously it's a problem sometimes), I split up the other 13 over yesterday and this morning and now I can begin this week's mileage on time as scheduled. Success!

Also, It was a lovely 52 degrees out yesterday, which means all the ice and snow melted and I now have my running paths back again. What a wacky winter we're having!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so pumped I finally got a snow run in this winter! Here's to no snow and 10 miles this Sunday!


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