Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Accidental 60 Mile Week

This week I ran 60 miles. I juggled them between 55+ hours of work, two classes, homework, and I even got out my save-the-dates. I kind of feel like superwoman, but mostly I just feel tired! I didn't mean to run 60. I was only supposed to do 47, but after missing my race last Saturday I was determined to make the mileage up, and voila! The 60 mile week happened a month ahead of schedule.

On Saturday Mike and I headed up to the Wissahickon Valley to tackle some real trails. They were very beautiful and peaceful, but boy were they tough in some parts! The elevation was not so challenging, but the trails themselves were very technical in some places.

Unfortunately not very far into the run Mike took a rock right to the ankle so we did a run/walk the rest of the way. He said it felt better today so we are hoping it's just a bruise and nothing worse.

I decided to do this run Garmin and stopwatch free. I've been going fast all week and I really just wanted to run nice and easy. It's easy to get caught up in all of the stats. Every so often you just need a run that forces you to appreciate running for what it is on it's own, without all of the extra crap.

We only made it about 7.5 miles before we ran out of time and had to go pick up the pups from their grooming appointment. Poor planning on my part. I was really, really enjoying myself out there and I absolutely cannot wait to go back next weekend and try again. 

At least the girls looked good:

Sophie (left) doesn't smell like a garbage can anymore. I give it a week.
After we got the girls home I went out for 5 more miles on the bike path. I didn't want to have even more mileage to do on Sunday than I already had planned.

Sunday morning I ran 6.5 miles up to the Wissahickon Valley to meet Ragnar friend Sally again. We did about 6 miles up Forbidden Drive before we parted ways I headed back down the bike path. Time goes by sooo much faster when you're running with someone! Mike was awesome and picked me up right around where I would hit 15 miles for the day. If I had run all the way back home it would have been more like 20 and I really wasn't up for that!

All in all it was a good week. I look forward to what is now going to be a 50 mile cutback week over the next 7 days. Most importantly though, I know I'm capable of doing more weeks like this in the future!

How was your weekend? Did you get out there for any good runs?


  1. Wow those trails look amazing and makes me miss trail running big time. We have too much snow here right now to head into the trails but I can't wait to get back in there this spring!

    1. We have been lucking out with the no-snow thing so far. Spring is almost here though. You'll be out there soon enough!


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