Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 2012 in Review

I totally forgot about it being the end of the month until I looked at my calendar today. Where did the time go?!

Before I start, here are a few pics of the trail that Mike and I hiked on last weekend:

Spring is definitely here! I cannot wait until I can actually get out and run on these.

Mileage Recap

A year ago - March 2011: 109.97
January 2012: 181.21
February 2012: 86.84
March 2012: 6

Despite the fact that the aforementioned number looks pathetic, it feels freaking fantastic. Onwards and upwards baby!

What went well

March was rough, but it had it's high points. I took responsibility for my own actions. I found ways to be positive about my injury. I learned what some of my weak areas were and how to fix them.

I only had two goals for March: heal and run. I'm happy to say that I've reached both of them. It took me nearly the entire month to do so, and I can't say with 100% confidence that I'm fully healed, but I am in a much better place. And, most importantly, I'm running again.

What didn't go well

I missed two races in March, and realized the rest of my spring season was not going to happen how I envisioned. As unhappy as that has made me, in the end I know I can only learn from it to make sure it doesn't happen again next time.

April 2012 goals

In my last post I sort of outlined my major goals for the next few months. April is all about getting back on the horse and working up to decent mileage again in the safest way possible.

I will continue going to PT for the next 3-4 weeks. This upcoming week I will still be running every third day, but in another week I will be able to move to every other day and then eventually every day.

I had a trail marathon scheduled for April 28th, but I am officially bailing. The night before that I have an easy 4-miler with friends. All this leads to the 10 mile Broad Street Run on May 6th. My biggest goal is getting ready for that.

Cheers to the next month being better than the last!

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