Monday, August 8, 2011

Greetings From Paradise

This mini-vacay went wayyyyy too fast, but it was still wayyyyy worth it! I feel totally refreshed and ready to take on the world again! I finished out week 10 of training with 5 miles on Saturday and 6 miles on Sunday on the treadmill at the resort. It was too humid to even consider doing it outside. I was only supposed to do 5 miles on Sunday, but I rewarded myself with an extra mile after making it through a tough week of training. That brought my week 10 total to 38 miles. Pretty sweet!

I don’t have too much else to say, so I will just share with you some photo highlights of my 3.5 days in Bermuda. I used to come all the time as a kid, but it had been 4 years since my last visit so I was really happy to be back. Vacation here is so easy because I know where everything is already. It also helps that the island is only 21 square miles so you don’t have to go far to get places!

Mama and I before dinner Saturday

Wahoo, the local fish, with mango salsa! Mmm!
Bermuda has the bluest water I've ever seen anywhere

Don't mind me, just hanging
Coolest straw twirl ever!
More Wahoo!
Swimming in stormy skies
Crystal Caves

These rocks made me hungry for cupcakes with icing...
....But I settled for ice cream instead...Baileys, the best ice cream on the island!
My inner 5 year old (who am I kidding, my adult self) really enjoyed this
Quick hike to the beach!

Relax and get grounded

"New Jobson's Cove"
Crispy tofu with peanut sauce
Lastly, I need to share my salad photo from dinner Friday night. After 5 hours door-to-door travel from Philly to my Mom’s in DC I was famished and delirious so we headed to Sweetgreen straight away! Food emergency! Instead of going for my usual avocado/tomato/black bean/tofu type mix I decided to be crazy and try something new and outrageous. Here is what I ended up with:

Spinach, watermelon, red grapes, cucumbers, orange tomatoes, white beans with pineapple curry dressing
And you know what? It was freaking delicious! I should be adventurous more often!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thanks for stopping by! LOVE your blog as well! Bermuda is SO BEAUTIFUL isn't it? Totally jealous.


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