Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Fastie, the Foodie, and the Funky

Wednesday is speed work day and this morning I had to get up extra extra early so I could get to work earlier because I had to leave at 3pm for the dentist (ick!). Whenever I have to get up earlier than normal I always wake up every half hour throughout the night, fearing that I have overslept. So as I lay in bed at 5am, considering sleeping-in the extra hour, I remembered how awesome the rest of my day would be if I just got up and put on my running shoes. Yes, I do mostly forget about early morning runs as soon as they end, but when I do remember later in the day I look back and smile. So I forced myself up and threw on my running clothes!

Normally my running outfits are pretty basic and bland; lots of blacks, whites, and grays, a few fun colors here and there. For some reason, however, I like to get funky with my speed work clothing! “Loud” would be a good word to describe it. Maybe its because I’m hoping the bright colors will wake me up. Or maybe my purple and blue Hattori’s inspire me to be bolder with more than just my feet. Or maybe it makes me feel like one of the other crazy people out that early in the morning! Whatever the reason, it sure makes speed work seem a little less painful and a little more fun!

This morning's funky fashions
This morning I had 3 x 1-mile repeats scheduled which, as I have indicated previously, continue to worry me as the jump from 2 to 3 repeats has been very challenging. Last week I only managed 3 x 1 mile repeats at 7:45. This morning I somehow busted out an average pace of 7:22 over the same distance! I even felt like I could have done a fourth repeat if I had more time. This makes me feel very encouraged about the future of my speed work! Maybe I’ll even spice it up soon and choose some more complicated workouts!

Still reveling in my early morning accomplishment, Mike and I met for lunch on campus and sampled some of the food carts. I had my eye on a monstrously huge fruit salad. The fruit was so fresh and absolutely delicious! And only $4!

To top off my meal I also got an edamame taco from the Tyson Bees food truck (thought frankly the fruit would have filled me up just fine since it was so massive!). Also delicious! Veggies and fruit = just what the doctor ordered!

Post-dentist I whipped up a simple meal of whole wheat pasta and copious amounts of broccoli for dinner. We have this dish at least once a week, since it only takes about 15 minutes to make. Following suit with my funky morning I got a little crazy and mixed two different types of pasta (No she didn’t!?). While the pasta was boiling I chopped up the broccoli (sometimes I use brussel sprouts) and threw it in a skillet with some olive oil. As it started browning and getting crispy I squeezed some lemon juice on top. Once it was done I added a dash of sea salt and threw it over the pasta, which I drizzled some olive oil and basil on. Simple, fast, and nutritious!

More broccoli please!

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