Monday, April 30, 2012

April 2012 in Review

April's been a pretty sweet month, and not only because the weather's looking up!

Mileage Recap

A year ago - April 2011: 103.58
January 2012: 181.21
April 2012: 89.59

Boy does that number feel good, especially after March! Did I mention how much I <3 running?

Cross Training Recap

Since I was injured in February cross training has become a huge part of my weekly workouts. I decided it was about time I started recapping that on top of running mileage. I will be curious to see my own trends and whether I keep up with it. So, for April:

5200 m swimming
2 spin classes
81.93 miles road cycling
4 Pilates classes

What went well

Well, obviously the number one thing that went well is that I'm running again, and I am now over 5 weeks injury free and without pain. I ran my first double digit weekend in months. I bought a new road bike, which I love, love, love. I even learned some cool stuff from Christopher McDougall. 

What didn't go well

I'm still dealing with the after effects of a pro-longed injury, both physically and mentally. I know the longer I remain healthy, the less and less I will feel these effects: my running fitness will fully return, I won't be scared that I might suddenly be in pain again, etc. etc. Baby steps. 

May 2012 goals

May is going to be an insanely busy month! On the calendar is:

- My first wedding dress fitting
- Broad Street Run on May 6th
- Pack up our apartment
- Move into our new house!
- Do a million and half things for the wedding, which is now a little less than 7 weeks away
- Continue to cross train, do PT exercises/stretching every night, and remain healthy!

Are you doing any races in May?


  1. nice, you killed it this month!!
    You have so much going on in May, and they are all super exciting :-)
    I need to really think about x-training, looks like you have that down to a science!

  2. Nice one! So great to see you come back strong from injury! You are right about the mental aspects. Not only is it hard when you are injured, but coming back is a whole different ballgame where every niggle feels scary.

    Hope you have a great May!

  3. WOw, you did so, so much!!! And you have a lot to look forward to in the upcoming month! I'm running two half marathons, back to back. We'll see how that goes over with my knee...



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