Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Welcome to October! AKA "peak month." AKA "the month where I run a race almost every weekend."

But, let's be honest. There is only one race I really care about. One race I've really been training for. My goal race, the JFK 50.

I knew I wanted to run another marathon this fall. I also knew that I wanted to tackle another 50k before attempting 50 miles. My previous two 50ks were in January and February, which at this point seems like a lifetime ago. In addition to those two distances, I added a 20 mile race to my calendar a few weeks ago. The addition was born purely out of boredom, as in "I'm so goddamn bored of coming up with new, creative 20 mile runs I'm going to die."

But while this month could be called "Racetober," the fact is that I really have no intention of "racing" any of these events. That's not to say I won't end up getting caught in the excitement of things during the run, but ideally I'm not pushing the pace and using the distances purely for training purposes.

Here is what "Traintober" holds:

October 13: Baltimore Marathon

I'm really excited to run another marathon. I love road races and there is certainly something special about the marathon regardless of what other distances I've run. Mike will be running it as his first actual marathon (he was registered for Philly last year, but got injured). Hopefully I will take it nice and slow because I'd like to get in at least 10 miles the day after and extreme soreness will certainly be a problem.

My first marathon last year
It is a little strange that this time last year 26.2 miles was the BIG one, and this year it's just a bump in the road. The difference a year makes, eh?

October 21: Delaware Canal 20 Miler

Not only is this race conveniently an hour's drive and somewhere I've never run before, but fall foliage should be in full swing (we hope). The plan is to run back-to-back 20 milers this weekend, which means I only need to creatively map one 20 mile run that weekend instead of two.

Will it actually look this gorgeous out in 11 more days? Based on the absurdly warm weather I doubt it, but hears to hoping!

October 28: Fire on the Mountain 50k

I'm a little scared of this race (ok maybe a lot scared). I've read a bunch of recaps and the elevation and trail terrain are intimidating me, especially since my trail runs have been almost nonexistent lately. The good thing is that this will be peak weekend, which means I can put it all out there and then look forward to a three week taper.

How is your October shaping up? Are you using other races as "training" for bigger ones?


  1. Holy crap! Your October looks intense... I use races as training- and find it to be a great strategy because who likes to do all their long runs alone? I try not to go all out though and use them as actual training instead of racing but this doesn't always work... :-) I feel like a legit slacker now with "only" one Marathon this month, haha!

  2. Looks like a nice running month!
    I am not signed up for, but plan on running FOTM also.
    I am still a bit nervous about it as well. I most nervous about getting lost since it is point to point and a smaller race. I am afraid I will be running mostly by myself and get lost!
    Good luck with the marathon this weekend! Looks like nice weather :-)

    1. Oh maybe I will see you at FOTM then! We can try not to get lost together :)

  3. So much racing, I am jealous! If the 20 miler wasn't the weekend before MCM, I'd totally join you. Have fun the next few weeks!


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