Tuesday, October 23, 2012

JFK Training: Week 16

Wow, 16 weeks already!? Hard to believe I started this training cycle the week after my honeymoon ended in the dead heat of the summer. It seems so long ago.

Monday 10/15:


Damn straight I rested post-PR marathon!

Chloe is an expert at resting - I just follow her lead

Tuesday 10/16:

6.0 mile run 4.24 mile run
15.65 mile bike

I woke up ready to run, but my calves were still feeling super tired from Saturday's marathon, so I chopped two miles off and called it a day. Better safe than sorry!

Wednesday 10/17:

6.01 mile run
15.65 mile bike

I waited until the evening to try running again. It felt much better than Tuesday morning, but the bottom of my feet were still hurting as if I had been standing for hours (instead of staring at my computer all day like a champ).

Thursday 10/18:

6.0 mile run AM
5.4 mile run PM

A slow and steady 5 am run before work and then another run during lunch around noon. Its kind of nice to run when the sun is still out on a weekday. I'm getting really sick of running in the dark!

Thursday dinner I finally made my own spaghetti squash!

Friday 10/19:

7.28 mile run

Hello humidity! Weren't we past this? Its a shame because my legs finally felt back to normal, but mentally the last thing I wanted to do was run in that skunk weather. Gross!

Saturday 10/20:

20.34 mile run

Sunday 10/21:

20 mile run - Delaware Canal 20-Miler

My back-to-back 20s - a lesson in finding mental and physical strength!

Week 16 Totals

69.27 miles running
31.3 miles biking

I admit that I was seriously considering doing a quick extra mile around the neighborhood on Sunday night to get over 70 miles for the week (because I'm OCD like that), but really, I need to learn to be happy with what I've done. Three quarters of a mile doesn't make a difference. I still feel like a badass for getting through this week, which is my highest mileage ever. Hopefully my badass performance can translate to some badass recovery skills because I've got another big week ahead!

P.S. I don't think I've ever looked more forward to tapering


  1. I still cannot believe you did 2 20's in a row, you are NUTS and a total badass. I think the mental aspect would have been the worst part!

  2. What an awesome week! I agree on the back to back 20's...AND one of them on a rail trail...pure awesomeness. Certainly something I have never been able to do before. Someday....
    Oh, and the Spaghetti squash looks awesome! They are so easy to make. Low in calories. High in nutrition. And just plain delicious :-)

  3. I did JFK last year and I sure as hell didn't do back to back 20 mile runs. I say you're ready :)


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