Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 2012 in Review

This was a super fantastic month so let's get right to it!

Mileage Recap

A year ago - September 2011: 193.05
January: 181.21
February: 86.84
March: 6
April: 89.59
May: 128.43
June: 137.72
July: 200.1
August: 177.48
September: 230.85

Booyah! Bam! Smash! Hello good-month-of-mileage, nice to see ya! Can you say August redemption??!

Cross Training Recap

176.94 miles road cycling

This month I decided to stop riding into work five days a week. With all of the running miles this month I've been exhausted (Ragnar didn't help either). I still enjoy biking and certainly want to keep it up at least three days a week for cross training purposes, but at this point in my training, as we reach into peak weeks, running miles matter more than cycling miles. I wish I could have gotten to the pool at least once though! Sigh...maybe I'll get my act together next month. 

What went well

I got in three long runs this month of 20, 18, and 25 miles. I think my body is starting to adjust to running long again. I felt like I lost endurance in August so this is very encouraging. I've been a little speedier too, though I credit that to the drop in temperature and humidity. 

What didn't go well

Some of my long runs have been very mentally challenging. This is worrying me a bit, because during JFK I will have to run more than twice the distance of some of the long runs I'm doing and do it without music and on monotonous terrain (can you say 26 miles of canal tow path?).

October 2012 Goals

I have some long races coming up in October, to be detailed more in a later post. My goal is to get through them and my weekly mileage plans from here on out. Seven weeks until race day. I'm breaking that down with a cutback week, three weeks of build, and then a three week taper. Can't believe during my next monthly recap I will be less than 21 days until race day! Eek!


  1. What a month - congrats on it, looking strong for JFK. I will say I think after trying the tow path for a long run, it's not as bad as I thought and with all the people around, hopefully it will go by as quickly as possible!

  2. Awesome month of training girl! And I totally hear ya about the towpath. I stopped running long on that awhile ago because mentally...I couldn't do it anymore. Every Sunday morning (I think it's 7:30am the winter I think it's 8am)...the Somerset Runners Club (they have a yahoo group) runs at the Blackwells Mills entry and the Raritan Valley Road Runners run at the Landing Lane entry on Saturday mornings (they have a FB and website too). Perhaps running with a few those runners would help on your longer runs. :) Congrats again on a great month!

    1. Thanks for the tips! I may just look those groups up!

    2. Anytime! :) And to save you some time:


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