Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Great Running Romance

It's about time this blog started talking more about running and less about annoying, cumbersome medical issues.

I don't know whether it's the slowly-but-surely-coming fall weather or that I'm still craving outdoors time after being stuck in a hospital for 48 hours or maybe it's just the heavy dose of steroids they have me on. Either and any way, one thing is for sure, I am head over heels in love with running right now.

I see you there high of 70-some degrees. Don't be shy!

Sure, on the average day I love running. Otherwise why would I trek through cold snowy winters and humid cloudless summers? But right now I'm really in love with it. Like can't stop, won't stop, want to run morning, noon, and night.

It was two years ago this month that I took my first step running off a treadmill and out into the wide open world. What seemed tough at first soon felt necessary. The repetitive beating of your feet on the pavement or trail. The sweat trickling down the temple of your head. The effortless push forward. The full out sprint or hill climb that leaves you breathless. The long slow run that makes you feel like you could keep going forever. The mental clarity that comes during all of those miles. I swear my most brilliant thoughts are made 5 miles in.

Run, run, run
Hopefully this love streak will keep going for awhile. I have a feeling that on that first real crisp fall morning run of the season any lost passion will be reignited. I'm looking tremendously forward to my fall races. I can't tell you how many race recaps and pictures I've looked at to try and vicariously live through another runner's experience before getting to the start line myself.

Racing season is upon us!
How do you feel about running right now? Are you in love? What race are you most looking forward to this fall?


  1. Yay, so glad you are having a running romance right now! I find that it is cyclical for me. I will love it for months then have a mini burn out and have to take time off. I can't wait for the Marine Corps Marathon this fall! I'm on the road to running all 4 big marathons (Chicago, Boston, MCM, and NYC). I'm halfway to my goal :-)

    Btw, where do you live where it gets down in the 50s at night. SO JEALOUS.

  2. Just ran across your blog looking for Tough Mudder recaps. I heard it was awful logistically. Then read your Raganr recap from last year. We've run DC the past 3 years as a 12 person team. This year we are switching to the Colonial 200, running from Charlottesville, VA to Jamestown as a 10 person team. Less hills but more miles for everyone.

    I've been running for about 5 years but once I started trail running about 2 years ago, it is all I want to do. I'm getting some 50Ks under my belt with eyes on a 50 miler some time next fall. Can't wait for the first crisp fall morning heading off into the woods with the leaves changing and padding the trail.

    1. I've never heard of the Colonial 200, but it sounds awesome! More miles is always better :)

      Good luck with your ultra races. I'm also looking forward to hitting the trails when the leaves start changing.


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