Monday, September 17, 2012

JFK Training: Week 11

After feeling bummed out about my training in August I finally had a really nice running week and it feels GOOD!

Monday 9/10: 

7.76 mile run
17.34 mile bike

I woke up still feeling really sore in my upper body from Tough Mudder on Saturday so I decided to hold my run until the evening. Mike and I left around 7 pm after carb-ing up. It's amazing what the combination of being fully fueled and 65 degrees with 30% humidity can do for you. We flew through our run and I felt faster than I have in months and months and months. We ended up finishing with an 8:30 pace. I haven't seen numbers like those since early February. Hello fall!

Tuesday 9/11:

5.08 mile run
15.65 mile bike

Tuesday's run was not particularly eventful. I went in the AM and took it nice and slow after Monday night.

I am still tapering off the steroids after my bout of poison ivy a few weeks ago so my appetite is still being super weird. I really haven't been hungry at all on these meds and I'm not even craving dessert, which is super strange for me. I can't, however, seem to get enough of apples and peanut butter.

Wednesday 9/12: 

6.37 mile run
15.65 mile bike

Another beautiful, crisp starting-to-seem-like-fall kind of morning. I wore long sleeves and it was divine.

Thursday 9/13: 

Sick Day

In my body's continual quest to not make it through an entire week without something going wrong, I actually got really sick in the middle of the week. I blame standing in the cold mud at Tough Mudder waiting for obstacles. Even Mike was sick and that almost never happens. After trying to ignore it for a few days I finally gave in and took a sick day on Thursday. It wasn't even a productive sick day. I just sat on the couch coughing and sniffling. At least I had cute company all day.

Friday 9/14:

7.28 mile run

I was stoked to get out Friday morning for a run after staying inside all day Thursday. The run was perfect, but I decided not to bike to work to give my immune system a little more rest.

Saturday 9/15:

20.15 mile run

I wasn't particularly looking forward to my 20-miler this week, in part because I was too lazy to make a creative route and decided to just run two river loops instead. Boringggg.

Mike also had 20 miles on his schedule in prep for the Baltimore Marathon, which we are both running in a month. We ran the same route, but I left an hour before him so that we could each run it solo. In my opinion building mental endurance is just as important as building physical endurance. Running 20 miles alone can teach you a lot. Considering I actually hadn't done a solo run that long for this training plan and Mike had never done a solo run that long, I suggested we make it happen.

The combination of the cooler weather and my desire to finish as fast as humanly possible led me to run much faster than I have been in runs of that distance. In addition I realized I hadn't run that long since my 25-miler, which was five whole weeks ago. The disaster that was August actually messed up my endurance quite a bit and by mile 10 I was hurting. I stuck with it though and ended up finishing quite satisfied with myself albeit already very sore by the time I walked into my house.

Luckily we had someone coming to change the battery on our water meter, which was the perfect excuse for me to sit on the couch in my pivot shorts and ice, compress, foam roll, and repeat several times over. 

We finally made it out of the house around dinner time and met up with some friends. I pulled out boots for the occasion. Did I mention how freaking excited I am for fall!?!

Sunday 9/16:

10.69 mile run

When I got out of bed Sunday morning and stood up I could barely move. My calves were so sore from Saturday's run. I spent a bulk of the day doing reading for class and stretching and got myself out the door for my last run of the week around 3:30 pm. I headed to a new trail that I found a week or so ago, the Cynwyd Heritage Trail. It's not necessarily more beautiful than some of the other places I run, but it's *new* and that's what's important!

Cynwyd Heritage Trail

Week 11 Totals:

57.33 miles running
48.64 miles biking

If all goes well the next and last nine weeks of training should go something like this:

- 2 more weeks of build
- 1 cutback week
- 3 weeks of build/peak weeks
- 3 week taper
- Race Day Ahhhh!


  1. That is a kick ass week, WOWeee! It's amazing that you are able to run 10 miles the day before a 20 miler and then 10 miles the day after. My body is just not built that way I swear it.

  2. Very interesting subject , thanks for posting .
    Click here for Lazy Days of Summer


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