Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back in Action

I feel like I've been in a coma for the last two weeks and have just woken up. Between breaking my hand, going on vacay for a few days, and the unfortunate consequences of both of those things, I have been feeling totally out of whack.

Running in the humidity in Bermuda with my swamp arm totally killed my love of the run and it was really hard to regain after returning to the states. I also didn't mention the terrible sunburn I got over there, which after days of dormancy, turned into sun poisoning last Thursday. I had forced myself out for a short run and when I returned I found hundreds of little bubbles all over my chest and arms. They went away by the next morning, but after Friday evening's run they quickly reemerged within a mile.

I don't know whether it was the heat and humidity or my sweat that caused them, but either way I was really hesitant to run again until the area was healed. And when I woke up Saturday morning in intense pain from the burn, which began to look like someone had actually stuck a hot poker directly on my skin, I couldn't even fathom running in the heat. Hence Saturday's long run was abandoned. Between the arm and the burn I felt like absolute crap, not to mention just straight up gross. What a week, eh?

To my delight, however, the burn healed up nice enough for me to run a quick 10 on Sunday evening with minimal discomfort (and minimal bubbling...seriously, ew) and the weather really cooled off so the swamp thing wasn't as bad. Then on Tuesday I went to the orthopaedist to receive the fantastic news that my hand was no longer broken less than two weeks after the accident! I walked out of that office spewing optimism and smiles.

I also walked out with a new removeable splint that I can wear at my own discretion
After not having use of my left hand for nearly two weeks I was thrilled. I didn't realize how difficult simple things where (like tying shoes or taking off a sports bra) with only one hand. Oddly the first thing I looked forward to doing were the dishes. Strange I know, but I haven't been able to do them because the cast would get wet and I am a neat freak who likes to do them while I cook dinner so that everything is clean by the time the food is ready. Of course, there were other things I was stoked to do now that I had regained use of both hands:

Oh how I missed you
I biked to work this morning and it felt fantastic. I hope to re-add swimming and pilates next week and hopefully boxing the week after that. I am so ready to get back into my routine!


  1. Only 2 weeks for the bones to heal? You truly are SUPER WOMAN!!!

    But in the meantime... gah! That burn sounds awful!

  2. Dang, you do heal fast!! I've had a sunburn like that before too, and it is the freaking worst! Hope you get to feeling 100% quickly!

  3. Yay! So glad you healed up and are back to your normal activities and things you love to do. more swamp arm hahaha!

  4. Hi! I stumbled onto your blog when l was looking for reviews of Ragnar. You doing the Ragnar again this year? I loved your recaps - gave me great insight.


    1. Hi Krissy! Yes, I'm doing Ragnar DC this year. Glad you found the recaps helpful!


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