Thursday, June 20, 2013

Looking Ahead: Lehigh Valley Marathon

Even though summer doesn't start until tomorrow, as usual, I am already thinking about the fall. Or actually, I have been thinking about the fall since about February. You kind of have to if you run races. The whole training thing, ya know.

Anyway, I am stunned to think that there is a mere 12 weeks between now and my first fall marathon, the Lehigh Valley Marathon on September 8th. In some ways, 12 weeks seems like a really long time. I mean, summer will be over by then and it has barely started! Then again, looking at my long run calendar, it seems like barely enough time to get things done.

I'm usually not one for fully drawn out training plans. I like to take each week as it comes. With only 12 weeks until race day, however, I figured setting up a long run schedule was probably a good idea to make sure I hit certain numbers. Since I had to back off the last month or so I am starting with just 10 miles this weekend and building from there. It's a pretty standard 3-week build/1-week cut back and repeat.

Hopefully all will go smoothly, I won't die in the summer humidity, and I will make it to the start line on September 8th. In all honestly, this is a race I want to PR. Not only did it have the 4th highest number of BQ-ers in 2012, but its average finish time that year was 4:02! So yeah, I'd like to race this one. A BQ would be great, but in lieu of chopping 11 whole minutes off my current PR, I'd be just as fine with any sort of PR. Baby steps, people.

This all depends, of course, on the summer weather. There's nothing like 90 degrees and 90% humidity to turn your 8 minute miles into 10 minutes miles.

And then you look like this after every run all summer
P.S. Lehigh Valley still has spots if anyone is still looking for an early fall marathon. Net downhill! Come on people!


  1. I live a couple minutes from the start of this race. I've done the full marathon once and ran 19 miles of it with a friend. The course is very flat, for sure, and mostly on towpath. Not many spectators, but not a bad race.

  2. I think I know several people who have done this one with good, fast results (marathon names are starting to all melt together in my mind!). Enjoy the long run building!

  3. OH man, net downhill, that is tempting! Sounds like Bob Potts actually (except that was just pure flat). I am SO the opposite - I MUST have a training plan!

  4. I am running this race as well. My best time is 4:01 and I am looking to PR as I don't think I'm ready to run my qualifying time of 3:45. But - one can dream - good luck.

    my training and race history is at :)

    Good luck!

    1. Good luck to you as well! Fingers crossed we have some cooler weather by then :)


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