Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Latest

I haven't been posting a lot lately, if you've noticed. Every few days I start formulating something in my head and then I get lazy and feel like its not enough to warrant a full post. So, here is a mixed bag of updates and things going on:

1. I've officially "graduated" from physical therapy

After six weeks of PT, I had my discharge session this morning and passed my final evaluation with flying colors. As I should have assumed, my problem was much bigger than just a simple IT Band issue. My body was literally off balanced and out of whack. I'm surprised I was even walking around okay. I've learned a lot in the past six weeks to help me move forward and stay in check. And, as much as I like my therapist, I really hope I don't find myself back there anytime soon.

2. Nike is sending my sister to Japan

At the beginning of this year my sister applied to join Running for Relief, a program sponsored by Nike and Tomodachi to aid with earthquake and tsunami recovery in Japan. A few weeks ago she was offered one of the 12 spots for Americans! She left today and will be spending the next 5 days helping with recovery, learning about Japanese culture, and running in the Nike Nagoya Women's Marathon (she is running the half). I'm going to make her write a guest post when she comes back.

Picture she sent me of all her swag. If you run with Nike, you have to look the part!

3. I updated my running shoe collection

A few weeks ago I realized that my Kinvara 3's were going to expire soon. As my go-to shoe I planned to replace them, but I usually rotate at least two pairs of shoes at a time so I set my sights on other shoes to fill the void.

I've been wanting to try the Newton Distance for awhile, having heard good things about them. At $155 a pop they are pricey, but I will shell out money for the right pair of shoes. Unfortunately, after visiting four different running stores, I couldn't track down a single pair, and I'm reluctant to order them online without trying them on (even if I can send them back).

For now, I'm giving up on the Newtons. Instead I re-ordered the Kinvaras as planned and also tracked down a first generation pair of Brooks PureFlow. I've gone through 3 pairs of PureFlows before this. They are a great shoe if you are looking for a minimalist profile with some cushion. They did come out with a new version in January, but I'm not entirely convinced by the updates. For one, my usual size 9 felt super big when I tried them on in the store and they did not have an 8.5 for comparison. Secondly, I think they the lacing update makes them look like clown shoes. And lastly, there is not a single appealing color (no, I don't like pink and yes, I'm vain and picky about show color). Overall, not a fan. It worked out okay for me though, because I was able to get the first generation Flows on sale for $30 less.

Who says you have to upgrade?

4. I finally feel like a "real runner" again

Last week I ran 41 miles including a 15 mile long run on Sunday. 40 miles is about my bare minimum for feeling like a real runner. *Please note that this is a personal judgment of my personal running. If you run 5 miles a week and call yourself a real runner then that's fine by me.

During my long run on Sunday I added in two massive hills in my neighborhood that used to be part of my weekly routine, but that I've since avoided in recovery. I fell in love with the hills in my neighborhood last summer. It felt good to be back, but boy did they hurt! The ups and the downs really killed me and I will spend the rest of this week keeping things flat so I don't overdo it.

They just never ever ever look as tough on camera

5. Real running means a real drain on my bank account

I'm thrilled to be running again and feel back to normal. The one good thing about being injured, however, is that it tends to seal up my bank account really tight. I don't buy any running clothes or shoes and I don't really sign up for races when I can't even run a mile. But now that I'm back my paychecks are already being spent in my head weeks before I get them. This race and that race and these shoes and those shoes (see number 3 above). Not to mention that spring is around the corner and so suddenly everything at Lululemon is cute again and I must have it now.

Size 6, ahem, when you get a chance

6. I'm getting stoaked for spring race season

I have my first race of the season next weekend: The Rock 'n' Roll USA Half Marathon. I originally signed up for the full, but there's no point in re-injuring myself. I'm well prepared for the half (for distance, not speed necessarily) and I'll tackle a full after a few more months. Patience is key.

The warmer temperatures are also making my giddy for Ragnar Cape Cod in May. I already started scoping out other recaps and looking for pictures or running along the beach. I cannot wait!


  1. A lot of people LOVE the kinvaras, I tried them (just briefly for like a mile at work) and I wasn't enamored - I think I need to try them again! I love my PureFlows so much, do you do distance in them? I also hate the new colors but I do like how the second generation ones feel. I really want to try the Newtons, too, but like you I am skeptical. Our running store periodically has a Newton rep in to demo the shoes and answer questions, so there may be something like that in Philly. I want to go but it's always when I have class - things really need to be scheduled around MY availability. I really want to find another full already even though I haven't even run my first one this year yet! Congrats on graduating!

  2. I get what you're saying about the new PureFlows, but the updated tongue is AWESOME.

    1. I'm sure they changed it for a reason and I will definitely try it again (if only because first generations will run out of stock!). Glad to hear some positive reviews on it!

  3. Haha, living in AZ race season is OVER soon so I am jealous!

  4. Mixed thoughts on the Newtons.
    Good plan to wait, though. Their sizing is weird... I went up 2 sizes bigger than normal!

    1. Thanks for the info! I had heard the sizing was off, so I didn't want the trouble of sending anything back in the mail. What a pain.


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